Ch. 20- Lies

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 "What?" Liam and I asked at the same time. Simon sighed and repeated,"I want you two to be a couple."

"But, we're not dating...." I replied.

"Then, you will fake it," Simon answered,"The relationship between you two will help give One Direction some positive popularity."

"But, it isn't right," Liam argued,"We aren't actually dating. Our whole relationship would be a lie."

"But, the paparazzi won't know that," Simon replied.

"I'm not doing this," Liam muttered, and stood up. He was about to walk away when Simon grabbed his arm, stopping him.

"Oh no, you will do it. If you dont't, then how will the paparazzi react?" Simon asked,"they will hate you for dumping her."

Liam stared at the floor for a moment, then looked back up,"..... Fine, I'll do it," he mumbled. Simon grinned,"Good, now you will announce your relationship at your next interview. Now, I must be going."

He stood up, and said,"Bye boys."

The others muttered bye in reply. Liam anf I said nothing. Once the door shit, signifying that Simon left, Liam immediately stood up,"This cannot be happening... Now our relationships are more important than our music? What's happening?"

"I don't know, mate," Louis mumbled, resting his chin against his hands.

"What do we do?" Liam asked.

"Well, there's not much you can do," Harry replied,"We can't have the paparazzi hating you."

"You'll just have to pretend you are dating Lizbeth," Zayn answered. Liam sighed, and sat down. He rested his head in his hands. I didn't say anything, I just watched everyone. Liam seemed to hate the idea of fake dating. Yeah, it was completely wrong, but I can't help but feel happy that Liam and I are 'sort of' dating'.

"What do you think of all this, Lizbeth?" Harry asked, causing my gaze to move from the floor to their eyes,"Um, it doesn't really matter to me.."

"But, this whole relationship will be a lie, don't you care?" Liam asked, looking up at me.

"Well, yeah it's wrong, but this relationship could allow me to have more popularity, and then maybe someone who knew me before I met you guys will find me," I said, well, that was partially true, but the main reason why I wanted this relationship was because I actually do love Liam.

"She has a point," Louis replied, looking at Liam's surprised look.

"We aren't actually doing this, right?" Liam asked. I frowned,"What choice do we have?"

Liam sighed,"I don't know. I just don't want to date someone I'm not in love with..."

I stared at the ground, and felt tears pricking at the corners of my eyes,"Um, I'm going to go upstairs."

I quickly ran up the stairs, before anyone could stop me. I ran to my room, and shut the door behind me. I collapsed onto my bed, and sobbed into my pillow. Why did the one guy I love have to hate me? I loved him with all my heart, and all he could say was that he didn't love me. I thought we were going to be friends... but he's making that hard.

A/N- sorry, the chapter was short. Oh well, I wanted to finish it there, so i did. Well, comment, follow, and fav! Bye Lovelies!

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