Ch. 30- Hated

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        “W-What?” I whispered. He sneered, “I’m your brother….” He whispered into my ear. I quickly shook my head, “N-No!” You c-can’t be!” I cried. He smirked, “But, I am.” He shoved me against the wall, causing me to cry out in pain. He leaned closer to me, so his eyes bore into my soul. I could feel his hot breath against my face. A glare was plastered on his face, “You’re the lucky child in our family,” He whispered. I frowned, “I’m forced to work, beaten, and my own brother raped me! My life is hell!”

“Really?” He challenged, “My life is worse. Our parents used to love me! Now they treat me like a piece of shit! I’m nothing to them! The only thing they use me for is to get drugs. They kicked me out of my own home when I was a child. I was only seven. They left me to live by myself. They left a seven year old to live my themselves!”

“T-Then why are you mad at me?” I asked, confused. He glared at me, “Because I was replaced…. By you. When you were born, they hated me. They tortured me, and eventually kicked me out. I was replaced by you. They loved you more than me, because you were a baby girl. Why would they want a son, when they had you? I was hated by them. They wanted me to die. They kicked me out on the streets with nothing.”

“My life isn’t good either!” I protested, “They torture me, and force me to do tons of manual labor! It’s horrible!”

“But, you didn’t have to starve during your childhood,” Hunter snapped, “I slept in parks, starved, and was mentally unstable.”

“Yeah, you’re mentally unstable,” I yelled, “You raped your own sister!”

“I only do that to torture you,” Hunter replied.

“Why don’t you torture our parents instead!” I yelled. He sneered, “Because you’re much easier to get to. And, I hate you.”

“I didn’t do anything!” I yelled.

“You ruined my life!” Hunter yelled, “Mom and Dad used to love me! They used to be nice! Then, you came along and they became evil! It’s all your fault!”

“I don’t remember anything!” I yelled, “I had amnesia because someone stabbed me.”

Hunter fell silent, and he stared at me, “Did you say you had amnesia because someone stabbed you?”

I nodded, “Yes, and I was living with NICE people for once!”

“So, you remember nothing from your past?” He asked. I nodded, “I know nothing about you or why my parents hate me.”

He was silent for a minute. I frowned, “What?”

“You were stabbed by… me,” Hunter said. I glared at him, but then smiled, “Well, you helped me.”

He looked at me like I was insane, “Did you say I helped you?”

I nodded, happily, “If you didn’t stab me, then I would’ve never met One Direction, so thank you.”

“Who the hell is One Direction?” He asked. I smirked at him, “I guess you’ll never know.”

“Shut the hell up!” He yelled, anger boiling up inside him.

“Why should I?” I asked, “There isn’t anything for me to live for anymore. I’m worthless… remember?”

“But, I’m not going to let you die,” Hunter said. I frowned, “Why not?”

“You deserve to be tortured by our parents,” He said, “You are horrible. I hope that you will hate yourself your whole life.”

“Just, let me go!” I screamed. He let go of my arm, “I’ll let you go, but there is only one place you can go…. To Mom and Dad’s house.”

I shook my head, “N-No! Please, anywhere but back there!”

“Sorry, but this is what I’m getting paid for,” He said. I frowned, “What?”

“Nothing,” He quickly answered. He picked me up, and threw me over his shoulder. I started hitting and kicking him as he carried me away.

“DON’T MAKE ME GO!” I screamed. He didn’t even react to my shouts. I could see Mom and Dad’s house coming in sight. I felt tears pouring from my eyes. Please, don’t make me go there. Anywhere but there! He walked up to the door, and rang the doorbell. I was now screaming and kicking him even harder. Tears were dripping from my eyes. I heard the door open, and I grew silent.

“Brought her back, huh?” I heard my Mom say.

“Whatever,” Hunter mumbled. He set me down, and I saw Mom glaring down at me. My body was shaking from fear.

“Where is it?” Mom asked. Hunter handed her a bag, and the insides looked like it contained drugs. He was giving them drugs? Is that what the money was for?

“Get the hell out of here, Hunter,” Mom grumbled. Hunter cussed under his breath, and left.

“Get in here, right now,” Mom commanded, angrily. I felt my feet picking me up, and slowly taking me inside.

HEY GUYS! WHATCHA THINK? Well, I should tell you that I planned on having this happen the whole time. I planned on her thinking that her brother was Niall. And well, her brother is evil and secretive. I don't like giving the antagonists profiles because I think that the antagonist should be up to your imagination. Comment, follow, and fave! Bye lovelies!


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