Ch. 1- Lost

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 Black, black, pitch black. All I can hear is voices, and I don't know who they belong to. Nothing but darkness for miles. I'm scared to know what is beyond the darkness. I heard a thud, and the voices left, and so did my thought.


"You are dirt. You are nothing. You are unneeded in this word. You don't deserve to live, but I'm generous enough to let you. I will let you live, but you have a price to pay. And, the repayment won't ever end."


My eyes shot open, and I had no idea where I was. I was laying in the middle of nowhere, or what looked nowhere. There was only tall grasses surrounding me. I'm so frightened. I stood up, and a stab of pain knocked me back down. I cried out in pain, and collapsed on the ground, crying. I was panting hard. The pain was so bad, that tears were streaming down my face. I tried to call for help, multiple times, but no one would answer me. Somebody help me! I might be dying.... I looked around. Trying to indicate something that people lived here. It was mostly countryside, but something caught my eye. I saw a huge house in the distance. I have to get there. I forced myself up, tears streaming down my face, because of the nearly unbearable pain.. I clutched my side, which was where the pain was formed. I felt something warm and wet. I removed my hand, and saw blood. What happened to me? I started limping towards the house. Step by step, jarring my side each time. The pain was absolutely horrible. I let more and more tears stream down my face as I walked on and on, finally I reached the drive way of the house. I limped across the yard, clutching my side, letting the blood seep through my fingers. I kept telling myself that I could make it, but my vision was becoming fuzzy, and I couldn't think straight. I finally reached the door, and pressed my finger against the door bell. Just as some guy answered the door, black spots filled my vision, and I fell to the ground. I was only able to whisper the words,"Help me....." Before I went unconscious. I heard the guy gasp as my world became black.


I drifted in and out of consciousness, but didn't completely open my eyes once. Once, I heard a guy's voice yell,"She suddenly showed up here and was bleeding badly! What should I do... Um, call an ambulance!"

"Is she dying?" Somebody asked. Blackness engulfed me once again. I barely woke up again, and heard sirens, and people yelling. Suddenly, I felt my body being lifted up. I fell into darkness, which seemed to last forever.

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