Ch. 28- Miserable

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     “I don’t understand why you are doing this to me!” I argued. She gripped on my arm, “You had always lived this way. You just don’t remember, or do you?”

“Get the hell up!” She screamed as soon as she knocked me down. I quickly pulled myself up, “I-I’m sorry!”

“You didn’t clean the floors right!” She screamed, and spilled her drink all over my work. I bit my lip, trying to prevent me from arguing. I grabbed my bucket and sponge, “Yes, ma’am…” I mumbled.

“It was you…?” I asked in disbelief. She grinned deviously, “Now you’re starting to remember. Now, you have lots of work to catch up on.”

I stood up from the ground, “No, I won’t!”

She glared at me, “Oh, you won’t?” She asked. I nodded, trying to stay strong. I saw her pull something out of her pocket. She clenched it in her hand. I-It was a knife! I gasped, “Y-You can’t be serious!”

She nodded, “Oh, I don’t lie, now get to work you slut!”

I nodded, and she led me into the kitchen, where a list of work was on a scrap of paper.

“Do all of this by tonight,” She commanded. I nodded, and she left. Once she was gone, I fell to the ground, sobbing. No, this can’t be happening! My life was perfect before! How did it lead to this? Only a few hours ago, I was living with the One Direction. Now, I’m cleaning the floors at a poverty- stricken house. How could it be that I live here? I never thought that this would happen to me….

I looked at the long list of chores. I started by scrubbing the floors. I grabbed an old bucket and dirty sponge that was on the floor. I started scrubbing the floors as I cried. I want to go back to the boys. They are my real family, not these people! My family wouldn’t hurt me and force me to do a million chores! No one lives this way! I thought I was normal, but how could someone who shows up at One Direction’s doorstep, dying be normal? I was never normal, and I guess this is who I really am. Some abused girl who works her life away. Do people actually live this way? I-I guess people do…..

I started to scrub the floor, trying to remove the layer of dirt from the incredibly dirty floor. My hands were sore from scrubbing so hard. Finally, after an hour, I finished.

“Oh, so does the little princess think that she’s done?” I heard a gruff voice ask. I looked up and saw a man behind me. He looked just like my ‘Mom’. He was overweight, and nearly bold with a few patches of graying hair. He had many wrinkles and dirty clothes.

“Y-Yeah, I am done,” I answered, trying to keep my voice from shaking. He grinned evilly, “You’re never done.”

He walked on the clean floor, muddying it, with his dirty boots. I gasped in horror. All my hard work, ruined! I stood up, “What the hell is your problem?!” I screamed. He slammed me against the wall, “Don’t ever talk to your Father that way, got it?!” He screamed. I quickly nodded, and he let go.

“I won’t keep you,” He said, “You have lots of work, so hurry up, you lazy ass.”

He left, and I collapsed on the floor. I tried removing the stains, letting a few tears fall as I cleaned. Why is this happening to me? I don’t deserve this! I scrubbed until my arms were numb. I finally finished, and looked at the list. I have to dust. Great. I grabbed a rag and a bottle of Pledge. The house was horribly dusty. I went from room to room, trying to dust everything. It took over two hours. I was exhausted. I just wanted to rest for a minute. I trudged into my room, and collapsed on the bed. I felt my eyes accidentally shutting, and I drifted into slumber.


“WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” I heard someone scream. I immediately shot up. I saw my Mom’s face in front of mine. I screamed, because I wasn’t expecting that. She grabbed me by the collar, yanking me close to her face, “How DARE you sleep on the job! You should be working! You lazy bitch! Why aren’t you doing your chores?!”

“I-I was tired,” I replied, shaking.

“Oh, you were tired?” She asked, and I nodded. She grinned, evilly, “Well, now you have to go do work outside. Have fun.”

She pulled me into the kitchen, and handed me something. It was a stack of money.

“Go to the alley on the corner of Simpson Street and East Main Street,” She commanded, “There you will run into him. He will know who you are.”

“What am I getting?” I asked, confused.

“You’ll see when you get it,” She growled, “Now get the hell out!”

I quickly ran out of the room, and out the door.

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