Ch. 11- Lost and Found

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   "Okay, it's uploaded!" Louis loudly announced, once the video was uploaded on youtube.

"What now?" Harry asked. Louis thought for a moment,"LET'S GO WALKING!"

"Okay, so if you walk around the house, will that satisfy your urge to walk?" Zayn asked, snickering.

"I meant we could go downtown and walk around," Louis snapped.

"I'm up for it," Liam replied,"Besides, we need exercise."

"Yeah, let's go," Louis replied,"But we don't need exercise!"

Liam rolled his eyes, and we threw sweatshirts on. We stepped out into the cool September air. We began to walk along the road. We could've taken a car, but we wanted to enjoy the day. The boys talked together, but I didn't join in. I walked behind them. I looked around at the pretty countryside, enjoying the views.

"Whatcha looking at?" Liam asked. I turned my head to see Liam walking beside me. I smiled and replied,"'Just looking at the view."

"Cause any memories to come back?" he asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I was just thinking that you woke up here, and I thought maybe you might remember something," Liam said.

"No..." I sighed.

"Well, you now have new memories with us," Liam said, causing me to smile.

We soon arrived, and I looked at the town. Suddenly, I had felt my head hurt, and a memory quickly flashed by, and went away. I clutched my head, trying to let the pain pass.

"Are you okay?" I heard Liam ask frantically. The small pain passed, and I looked up.

"I remembered something," I said quietly. I saw the other boys turn to listen.

"I remembered seeing a lady tightly clutching my hand, and quickly walking me somewhere. I couldn't see her face, because it was fuzzy, but she looked angry," I said.

"Where was the memory?" Harry asked. I thought for a moment, and replied,"Here."

"In this town?" Zayn asked. I nodded.

"Do you remember anything else?" Harry asked. I shook my head,"That's it. I wonder who that person was....."

"Sounds like your Mom or something, but why would your Mom be mean to you?" Zayn asked.

"I don't know..." I muttered.

"Let's just drop it for now," Liam said.

"Oh. My. God. There's food!" Niall exclaimed, pressing his face against the window of a restaurant. The other boys laughed, and agreed to go eat. We walked in, and ordered. I sat on the edge of the table beside Liam. Louis sat across from me. we ate, and I didn't say anything. All I could think about was the memory of the scary lady. Is she my Mother? Why would she be mad at me. Well, she was looking down upon me, maybe I was younger. I don't know. We finished eating, and walked out of the restaurant.

"Isn't there a music shop near the square?" Liam asked.

"I think it's straight ahead," Harry replied.

"RACE YOU!" Louis screeched, causing a few stares in our direction.

"Won't that look weird?" I asked.

"Since when have I cared about looking weird?" Louis asked. I shrugged, and joined them in a running position.

"READY. SET. GO!" Louis yelled, and we started running. I was falling behind, so I decided to take a shortcut. I took a turn into an alley. I started running, through the passage, but then, suddenly, my legs stopped running. I felt my mind buzzing, like my brain was trying to remember something. I could faintly see a figure starting to form in my mind. I could see that it was a guy. I was having trouble making out the details, but a memory replayed my mind.

        "Stop trying to run...." He whispered. I could see him coming closer.

"You always run, but I always get you...." He whispered. I could see myself. I was raggedy. I was on the ground, backing myself into the corner of an alley. This alley. I saw tears slip from my eyes as the guy's fist pulled back.....

Lizbeth, what're you-" Niall had just walked up, and I had uncovered the last puzzle piece with that last memory. The guy looked like Niall. No, he was Niall... he had to be. I interrupted Niall by screaming. He's going to hurt me. I backed up into the corner, and fell onto the ground, sobbing.

"D-Don't h-hurt m-me!" I cried, covering my face with my hands. I pressed my knees against my chest for protection.

"I'm not going to hurt you," Niall tried comforting me, and took a step closer. I broke out into another fit of sobs. I couldn't control the panic attack I was having. Niall realized that he couldn't help me. He pulled out his phone.

"Liam, you need to come over here now!" He said into the phone,"I'm at the alley beside the coffee shop! Hurry!"

Niall quickly hung up the phone, and I was still sobbing uncontrollably. I heard footsteps and, Liam came over. He ran up to me.

"What's wrong?" He said, in a panicked tone. I looked up to see Liam. I threw my arms around him, and held on for dear life. He seemed confused, but helped me up. I still clung onto him sobbing.

"Shh... it's okay," Liam said, rubbing my back, as I clung onto him, crying.

"Niall, tell Louis to go home and get the car," Liam commanded, and Niall nodded, and ran off. My tight grip around Liam loosened. My sobbing lessened. Liam let go of me, and I stopped clinging to him.

"What happened?" Liam asked, calmly. I let out a shaky breath and said,"I-I had a memory, and N-Niall was in it. Me and him were in an alleyway, this alleyway. He was going to b-beat me."

"I don't think Niall would," Liam replied,"You have him mistaken."

"No I don't!" I protested, I started sobbing again, and Liam held onto me. I didn't want to let go of Liam, I felt safe around him. After around a few more minutes, a car pulled up on the street beside the alley. It was Louis. Liam tried to let go of me, but I didn't want to. I held onto him as we walked into the car. We got in, and I sat beside Liam. My tears hadn't stopped. I clung to Liam as I cried, and fell asleep on the way to their house.




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