Ch. 19- Complicated

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   Did Niall just kiss my head? Why in the world would he do that?! He's trying to do something to me, isn't he? I know it... I just can't trust him. I sighed, and laid my head on my pillow. Why is everything so complicated? 


        "GET UP PEOPLE!" Louis screeched. Two days had passed since the, er, incident. I groaned, and pulled myself out of bed. I decided to just walk downstairs in my pajamas.

"What is it Louis?" I complained, once I reached the bottom of the stairs.

"Get right over here, missy!" Louis yelled, like he was my Dad. I rolled my eyes, and walked over. Louis picked up a magazine, and handed it to me. I looked at the cover, and gasped. There I was right on the front cover. With Liam. Kissing him. We were sitting against the brick walls outside of the building. My face was tear-stained, but I had my lips pressed against Liam's. You couldn't even tell that Liam wasn't kissing back. It definitely looked like we were kissing.

"Can you explain this?" Louis asked, pointing to the picture. I stared at the ground, because I was blushing.

"Um, I kissed Liam," I muttered.

"IN PUBLIC!?" Louis exclaimed.

"Yeah...." I mumbled.

"Who knows what the fans will say..." Harry muttered.

"Well, um, it's okay.." I mumbled,"Because Liam.... rejected me..."

Louis, Harry, and Zayn looked at me confused,"Really?" They all asked at the same time.

"Well, the fans don't know that," Zayn replied.

"Let's read the article," Louis suggested. We nodded, and Louis flipped through the magazine, and stopped at the one with Liam and me. We all read it in our heads:

Does Liam Payne have a new girlfriend? Two days ago, Liam was caught kissing some girl. That girl is Lizbeth Directioner. She's been living with One Direction for a few weeks now. She lost all of her memory because of amnesia. In the interview prior to this, Liam explained how they allowed her to live with them because she had no memory of who her parents are, where she lived, or even her own name. Lizbeth was found injured at One Direction's house, and Liam found her. They took her to the hospital. Apparentally, she had no memory of anything, so the boys took her in. They got to name her, and she was named Lizbeth Directioner. Isn't that so cute? Aren't they the most adorable couple. Liam was the one that found her, and now he loves her. Who wouldn't love that back story? Liam was comforting her because of some rude fans yelling at her. I don't think fans will be mean to Liam Payne's new girlfriend.

We finished reading this, and stared at each other shocked.

"They like you!" Louis exclaimed in disbelief.

"But, I'm not Liam's girlfriend!" I protested.

"What's going on?" Liam asked, walking in. Louis handed Liam the magazine, and Liam's eyes grew wide as he read the article. I felt my face grow red in embarrasment. Now everyone knew.

"H-How did they get this picture?" Liam asked. Louis shrugged,"They're the paparazzi, mate. They get everything."

"So what now?" Liam asked. Louis shrugged again. Suddenly, Liam's phone started ringing. Liam pulled out his phone, and answered it,"Hello?"

There was a pause for the reply. Then, Liam said,"Yeah, you can come over, Uncle Si..... when? Oh, you can come over now.... Okay, see you in a bit. Bye."

Liam ended the call, and shoved his phone back in his pocket.

"Uncle Si is coming over in a few minutes to talk about what happened. It sounded important."

"Who's Uncle Si?" I asked.

"Simon Cowell," Liam replied. I looked at him confused, so he continued,"He's a judge on the X Factor who-"

Louis interrupted Liam,"He's a guy we know."

I nodded,"Okay."

Liam looked at Louis confused, but shook it off.

"We should probably go get dressed," Zayn suggested, looking at our pajamas. We nodded, and started up the stairs.

"I'll wake up Niall!" Louis yelled, cheerfully, pushing past us. I ignored him, and went up to my room. I grabbed an outfit, and headed to my bathroom. I took a quick shower, and put on this. I put on some eye make up, an combed out my hair. I walked out and into my room. I heard a doorbell ring, and I joined the others downstairs. The boys were loud as the walked into the living room with some man. He walked up to me, and stuck his hand out for me to shake. I shook his hand, and he introduced himself,"Hello, I'm Simon. You must be Lizbeth, correct?"

I nodded,"Yes, that's me."

"Why don't we take a seat?" Liam suggested. Everyone sat down, leaving me to sit beside Liam.

"Okay, I've heard about the paparazzi catching you two kissing," Simon said, pointing at Liam and I,"And, they've placed you two as a couple. Louis told me that you aren't actually dating. Care to explain?"

"Well, I did kiss Liam," I answered truthfully,"But, he um, rejected me."

Liam left his eyes glued to the floor, not bothering to look up when his name was mentioned. Simon nodded,"But, the paparazzi is giving you two a good reputation."

"What's your point Simon?" Harry asked.

"I want Lizbeth and Liam to be a couple," Simon said.

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