Ch. 17- Heartbroken

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      I left my lips on Liam's but then realized he wasn't kissing me back. I removed my lips from his, and looked at him confused. He sighed, and said,"I'm sorry, Lizbeth, but I can only see us as friends. I'm not in love with you."

I looked at him shocked. It took me a second to register what happened. I just kissed Liam, and he didn't even want me to. I felt my cheeks grow bright red in embarrassment. I quickly stood up, and muttered," Sorry."

I ran off before Liam could stop me. I felt tears starting to slide down my cheeks as I ran off. Why was I so oblivious to the fact that Liam didn't love me. Now, I feel so embarrassed. I ran back into the building, because there was paparazzi everywhere. I ran down the hallway, searching for someplace to hide. I wasn't paying attention to where I was running, and suddenly ran into someone. I was sent flying backwards.

"Are you alright?" I heard a familiar Irish accent. I mentally groaned. Of all people I had to run into, it had to be him.

"I'm fine," I muttered, not making eye contact. He held his hand out for me to grab. I grabbed on, and he pulled me up in one swift movement. I tried to move past him, but he grabbed my hand, stopping me.

"What's wrong?" Niall asked. I still avoided eye contact,"Nothing."

He lifted up my chin so he could see my eyes. I turned my head away.

"Why are you crying?" He asked.

"The hate..." I muttered.

"I thought Liam went to talk to you?" Niall asked. I quickly stared at the floor, not wanting tears to fall. I felt the tears starting to well up in my eyes, and quickly said,"Stop bothering me!"

I ripped my arm from his grasp, and ran down the hall again.

I ran into a random closet and closed the door behind me. Why can't I just be left alone? I sat on the floor and started quietly sobbing. I had my first heartbreak. I love Liam. I feel like I never want to be away from. I want to feel his arm around my shoulder, protecting me, comforting me. I want him. But, I can't have him. He doesn't love me like I love him. I want to be loved by him.

I heard the door being opened, and I looked up to see Niall there again.

"What do you want?" I growled.

"I'm not going to leave you alone crying," Niall replied,"Come on, tell me what's really wrong?"

"Why should I tell you?" I asked. Niall shrugged and walked over to me, and sat beside me. He placed his arms over his knees,"We'll, don't you want to tell someone? It will make you feel better."

"I don't know if I can trust you..." I muttered.

"You can't actually believe that I abused you before we even met!" Niall exclaimed.

"We'll, I don't know..." I muttered.

"Come on, just tell me," Niall begged.

"No," I stated firmly.

"Please?" Niall begged.

"Just go away, Niall," I muttered. Niall crossed his arms over his chest.

"I'm not leaving until you tell me what's wrong," Niall replied. I started to stand up,"Fine, then I'll leave."

I stood up and began walking away.

"Come on, Lizbeth!" Niall begged. I turned around,"I kissed Liam."

I quickly left the closet before he could say anything.


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