Ch. 23- Paparazzi

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 We walked outside to drink our coffees. The other boys were having their own conversation, and Liam and I weren't joining in. I pulled Liam aside, so I could speak to him in private.

"Liam, we need to talk," I said quietly, so the others wouldn't hear. Liam took a sip of his coffee, and replied,"What about?"

"I want to end this awkwardness between us, and don't deny it, because you know it's true," I replied. Liam sighed,"Yeah, I know it's true. I just think it's, well, weird, if you know what I mean."

"Yeah, well, maybe we could try to be friends?" I suggested,"I know I said this before, but I'm not sure if it's working. I know I'll never be able to completely get rid of this awkwardness, but we can try. I want it to be the way it was before I... kissed you."

"I agree," Liam replied,"I liked it when we were just close friends."

"Friends?" I asked.

"Friends," Liam answered. He pulled me into a hug. Suddenly, a flash of light appeared. Liam and I parted, and looked in the direction of where the light came from. It came from a camera.

"Sorry, you don't mind if I keep this picture, right?" The man behind the camera asked. Liam shrugged,"I guess it's fine."

A few more people had joined the man, and a crowd was forming.

"Can you two hug again?" One lady asked. Liam pulled me into another hug, and the flashes continued. Soon, the crowd was becoming quite large. I felt a little nervous, but didn't show it. I kept a smile plastered on my face for the cameras. Nothing wrong could happen, right?

"Kiss!" One person demanded. They actually want us to kiss? I'm not sure if I can kiss Liam a second time. Liam acted like he didn't hear them, so I went along with it.

"Kiss!" Someone else yelled. It was too loud to pretend like we didn't hear it. Soon, the paparazzi were chanting,"Kiss, kiss, kiss!"

Liam turned towards me, and looked me in the eyes. I could see worry covering all features of his face. His eyes said, should we kiss?

I knew we had to. Not kissing would concern the press, and our secret could be unveiled. I mouthed the word yes. I made sure no one else could see me mouthing it. I saw Liam leaning in, and I felt myself leaning closer, too. Our lips touched, just barely. Just enough for a picture. After a few seconds, we parted. There were tons of camera flashes. When we parted, I tried to look Liam in the eyes, but he avoided my gaze. I can tell he hated this. When the crowd was thinning out, the other boys pulled us out.

"What happened?!" Zayn exclaimed.

"The paparazzi....." Liam muttered.

"Well, something made them happy," Louis replied. Liam and I glanced at each other, but didn't say anything. I nervously bit my lip as the other boys stared at Liam and I, waiting for an answer.

"Um, let's go back before any more paparazzi come," Liam said, quickly.

"Fine, but I'm not done with you two," Louis replied. We all got in the car, and drove back to the house. We walked inside.

"Hey, Lizbeth," Louis said,"We have a CD signing and a concert today. You wanna go or stay here?"

I nodded,"I'll just stay here."

The boys went upstairs to get ready. In about five minutes, they came back down, ready to go. They all mumbled their good byes, and left.

        It was nine at night, so I went upstairs to my room. I grabbed a pair of pajamas, and a towel, and went to the bathroom. I turned on the shower, and waited for the water to heat up. I stripped off my clothes, and slipped into the shower. I let the hot water drench my skin. I washed my body, and massaged conditioner and shampoo into my hair. I rinsed, then shaved my legs. As I was shaving, my razor accidentally cut my leg, leaving a cut that was about an inch long.

"Ow...." I muttered under my breath. Then, I saw the blood trickle down my leg. I felt like I was mesmerized, as I watched it. The stream of blood slowly reached my foot, and the shower water quickly washed away all of the blood. My gaze snapped away from my leg. I turned off the shower water, and got out of the shower. I dried off my hair, and put on pajama shorts, and a cami. I was gonna put on my sweatshirt, but I realized I had a stream of blood running down my leg. I watched in fascination. 

       "Why are you still alive?" he asked.

"Because you won't let me die," I answered. He sneered,"Oh yeah, that's right. Your parents 'need you'."

"T-That's not true!" I protested,"Why would they want me?!"

"They wanted you more than me," He replied.

"But, I don't want to be with them!" I yelled.

"Well, there's no way for you to leave them," He replied.

"W-What if I kill myself?" I asked.

"You can try, but it won't work, because you're too stupid to figure anything out.

        I felt my body start to tremble as i thought about the flashback. I stared at the scars on my wrist, and began to sob. I don't even know why. It was like I wasn't myself. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the razor. I felt myself standing up, and walking towards it. I grabbed it, and sat back on the ground. I leaned my back against the outside edge of the tub. I felt my hand pressing the razor against my skin. I gasped out in pain, as the blade ran across my skin, creating a new red line, brimming with blood. I watched it trickle down my arm, and slow drop onto the floor. I heard voices downstairs, but they didn't distract me. I felt my trembling hands pick up the razor again. Why am I doing this? It hurts me, it's almost like something's controlling me. I pressed the blade against my skin, and ran it across, I felt the tears starting to stream down my face, but this time from pain. Suddenly, I heard a knock on the door.

"Lizbeth, are you in here?" I heard Liam ask. I didn't say anything. I grabbed the razor, and created a new line, and that caused me to make a small cry from the pain.

"Lizbeth, what are you doing?" Liam asked. I didn't say anything.

"If you don't respond, I'm going to open the door," Liam said. I didn't say anything. Suddenly, the door opened, and I saw Liam.... and Niall. I screamed when I saw Niall, because he was the same person in the flashback.

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