Past pt2

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Ink and Paperjam whimpered softly as they were suddenly lassoed and yanked out of the small cave they were in. Once they were near the hole on the top, some of the stronger monster grabbed them and tossed them to the hard ground. The two winced at this, their bones getting scrapes from the roughness.

The monsters around them were nothing but aggressive, growling and hissing at them, jeering somewhat.

The two shied away from the very dangerous ones, keeping their device away from the brutes. Thankfully, the roughness of the ones who got them out hadn't damaged it. Not in any major way at least.

Soon the two teens were lead to the leaders' tent again. This time though, the leaders were waiting for the two with these hard gazes.

The vicious leaders were curious of the intruders. The two were unique in a way, something they hadn't seen from anywhere before. The chiefs wanted to understand why they were different, maybe to even find the tribe they came from.

Glaring slightly, the two destructive monsters observed the two, trying to look at them clearly.

The teens were now dirty from spending some nights in the Pit, but they were still cleaner than anyone the cavemen had seen before. The two were much thinner as well, they must have not been eating well in their old tribe.

Grunting some, the two roughly started speaking. However, the two teens couldn't understand the words. The language was rough on their ears, some of the old words sounding similar to some other languages, but  they still couldn't understand it.

Quickly, the two chiefs saw that their intruders weren't listening to them. This angered them, so they bared their sharper teeth, growling and hissing loudly.

Soft squeaks left the two, they naturally shrinking away. Paperjam gently pressed Ink closer to him since he was taller than his older friend. They kept quiet after the fearful squeaking.

The monsters around them laughed, or what they could only assume was them laughing. The ancient tribe found them weak and useless. Something that would get them killed with ease.

The two chiefs snarled at the ones who were laughing, shutting them up swiftly. They then focused on the two in front of them.

They were alone, wondering into their territory, thin and clearly weak. Scoffing, the chiefs figured their tribe let them go, finding them to only be a hinderance. It wouldn't be a surprise to them.

The others around Paperjam and Ink held creepy, wide smiles, knowing what their leaders were seeing. Ink took a deep breath, trying to think. They needed to do something to show they weren't weak, they had to show that or else they'd be dead.

The chiefs hissed at the others, glaring at them. Quickly the others backed off, their grins falling instantly. The two then glared heatedly to the intruders.

They then grabbed the two and pulled them into their thick furred tent. The teens winced and held onto the others hands as they were forced follow the stronger monsters.

Easily, the two threw them onto the ground with a glare. Ink and Paperjam winced and grunted. They then looked up at the bigger monsters, fear in their eyes.

The cavemen grunted, still glaring before leaving. The two gulped, carefully moving away from the opening of the tent.

They didn't know why they were there, but they didn't think it would be a good thing... Honestly, their souls were beating too hard to focus on much, even if that focus was to get them out of danger!

Ink shook his head, grabbing onto his dark friend and taking slow, deep breathes to calm down. They had to calm down if they were to make it out alive.

In the quietness, they suddenly heard someone moving behind them. Swiftly, they spun their bodies around to see who it was. Or more accurately to see if they were dangerous.

No, at the back were small children, each looking sickly. They seemed to be experiencing a cold, a deadly disease for people before medicine was actually made.

Ink looked to his friend, a soft look on his face before he looked back to the children. He didn't know if they were suppose to die, but it hurt Ink's soul to think of leaving the children the way they were.

"Ink..." PJ whispered softly, his eyes filled with confliction. "S-Should we?"

The more artistic orphan bit his lip before carefully nodding. The tribe was going to be dead soon anyways, so it wasn't like it would change too much of the timeline if they helped some sick children...

The chiefs were gone for many hours, dealing with some problems near the edge of their territory. It wasn't too hard to deal with, but it still took time. Annoying amount of time.

When they finally got back to their tent, they found their intruders near the dying children. They were sleeping with a range of bowls and pots near them. There was even a small fire going in a tiny, dug out hole.

The one eyed chief knelt to the bowls, picking one of them up. It didn't get anywhere near his nose before he dropped the bowl with a loud gag.

The loud noise woke the two up, both of them carefully scrambling away from the leaders. The two were wisely afraid of the chiefs, staring at them with wide eyes.

The teens watched as the chiefs glared at them, the parasite one moving up from his crouched position. His eyes narrowed with anger, he didn't like the scent that the bowls were giving off. It smelled like poison.

The two though didn't move into the room. Despite being close to the sick children, they were safe as long as they didn't go into the room.

Soft scoffing sounds left the monsters as they turned their back to the intruders, walking back to the main area of the tent.

The two gulped softly, their souls calming down some. They were safe in that room, but that also meant sneaking out to get herbs was going to be difficult...

Softly, the two friends sighed softly, figuring that if they could save the children then maybe the chiefs would see that they had some worth... They just had to hope for that anyway...

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