Unknown pt3

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PJ woke up a bit later than he usually did, but he didn't care. He just felt calm at the moment.

His mismatched eyes glanced down at his tiny parasite, softly stroking their cheek. Fresh shifted some, but a gentle smile formed. The smile warmed the jock's heart till he remembered why they were cuddling.

His smile fell, his body tensing for a moment. That moment passed quickly as the tiny thing whimpered at the sudden dark feeling.

PJ quickly and softly hushed Fresh, rubbing his cheek again. The soothing motions calmed the injured monster back to a kinder sleep.

Sighing quietly, the ink skeleton carefully got up and changed into some clean clothes. He made sure to be quick about it in case Fresh woke up. He didn't want the other to think of him like a pervert.

Once he was finished with that, he gave the other a kiss on the forehead before heading to school.

The drive there was oddly quiet, his soul pounding for some reason. He didn't care at the moment, his only real thought was on how he was going to confront the dick who was hurting Fresh.

It honestly didn't take long before the inky skeleton was at the school, nor was it long before he and that bastard were alone on the side of the school.

The conversation wasn't really memorable, specially since it ended in a fight. A bad one.

J took a deep breath as he was harshly reprimanded by his mother. The principal just stayed quiet while that bastard smirked weakly, holding an ice back over some bloody bandages.

That smirk almost set him off again. Yet, the thought of Fresh's guilty, sorrowful face forced him not to.

"I didn't even start the damn fight." He growled lowly. "You can even check the fucking cameras." His words slipped out before he had any real time to process them. "In fact, you can check the entire fucking thing to see how shitty this bitch is." Anger shone in the usually calm monster's voice. His eyes were flickering dangerously. "Or are you bias, Principal."

Those words were growled out, the dark monster leaving seconds after he hissed them. It was too early for that shit, but he didn't care. He didn't want to care, so he just drove to the store near by to pick out some food and went back to Fresh's house.

Surprisingly, Fresh was still asleep, not that the jock really minded. He wanted to cuddle the other. So he did, as carefully as he could, he cuddled into the tiny one.

The tiny thing groaned some, stretching slightly before turning and curling into his neighbor's chest. PJ relaxed at this, gently rubbing the back of the other's head.

The parasite smiled some in his sleep, he really liked this. It was so nice and so peaceful.

A few hours passed before Fresh actually woke up, the extra sleep helping him with his wounds. Quickly though, he noticed how cuddled he was being.

Unlike the first time this happened, he wasn't scared. He recognized the scent easily and the warmth that the jock was giving off.

Closing his eyes again, he nuzzled the taller's chest, a subtle purr leaving his throat.

The purring made PJ smirk, opening his eyes some. How adorable was his neighbor truly?

"Are you hungry?" The jock asked in a deep, gravelly voice.

The purring stopped and was replaced with a squeak. Fresh looked up and blushed brightly, his eyes widen.

PJ only smiled at the other softly, moving one of his hands to cup the other's cheek. There was only caring and fondness in the ink monster's eyes. They were rather sweet emotions... Such beautiful emotions.

The jock watched as the parasite quickly became like goo in his arms, purrs once again erupting from their throat. They looked so happy to be in his arms. They looked so innocent and adorable~

Slowly, the jock leaned down, this time being mindful of the other's injuries. Gently, he pressed his mouth onto the other's. He made sure the kiss was slow and soft, just for his precious parasite.

Fresh melted more with the kiss, happily kissing back. It was so sweet and gentle. It was perfect.

After some more time in bed, they finally got out, PJ making them brunch as it was nearing twelve at this point. Throughout making the medium large meal, the two would kiss and cling to each other. 

Yet, a thought had started to form in the smart skeleton's head. He really tried to push it away, but it was very persistent, so he spoke it out softly.

"W-Why are you home so early?" Quickly, the nerd bowed his head, almost preparing himself for a glare or a growl of some kind. He didn't need to do that.

"I got into a fight with him." PJ stopped cooking when he said that. His voice darkened and hardened when he said that.

Instantly, Fresh's head popped back up, his eyes wide with fear and worry.

"Y-You di-did what?" He squeaked out.

The jock said nothing and just finished cooking and plating the food. He wasn't ashamed of what he did, honestly the bastard deserved getting a beaten as bad as that. However, he knew that his neighbor wouldn't exactly approve of the situation.

"PJ, you shouldn't have done that! H-He could've p-pulled a knife on you!" The smaller of the two cried out, wincing afterwards. He forgot his ribs.

The inky skeleton stopped for a second before looking Fresh in the eyes. PJ didn't look happy. He looked pissed.

"He pulled a knife on you?" His voice deepened to a darker, protective tone.

Fresh shivered as he realized how badly he had fucked up. The human bastard had told him not to tell anyone about the knife threat... He warned him not to...

Swiftly, the parasite tried to take it back, trying to say that the human seemed to be the type to carry around a knife. Yet, he still got that same protective look from PJ.

"I'm going to murder him." Was the final words that ended the conversation.

The small nerd bowed his head as he simply stared at the food. He didn't feel hungry for it anymore. He did something wrong and now he was in trouble.

Sighing some, the jock tilted his neighbor's head to him.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that to you." The ink skeleton stared deep into the other's eyes. He was much calmer now. "I just don't like seeing you hurt like this and afraid of school."

Fresh blushed at those kind words, quickly attempting to pull his head back. PJ let this happen, but kept his eyes on the other. He knew they were still feeling awful, but he was a bit happier when he saw them eat their brunch.

"Yo-You... You won't r-really kill h-him... R-right?" The small parasite glanced over, biting his bottom lip.

J gave a soft smile, nodding. "I won't unless he forces my hand."

That didn't sound reassuring, but Fresh just nodded before going back to eating his food. Honestly, that was better than nothing. He didn't want his only friend to be taken away for protecting him. He didn't want that.

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