His Family pt 3

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Paperjam laughed softly at Fresh's joke, the two boys running around them. It had been roughly a couple of weeks since the two first meet and honestly, Jam was glad to have meet Fresh.

The guy was super nice and caring, supportive and helpful in any way you need. He also had a few tips on how to manage college life.

Though, PJ doesn't really know the guy's exact age, he knows Fresh must be around his middle thirties at the very least.

The parasite quickly noticed the distant look in his love's eyes, those eyes fading to a dull version of their wonderful selves.

"Is somethin' wrong?" He softly called out.

Quickly, those eyes brightened up and was answered with a shake to the darker skeleton's head.

"No, I'm fine..." There was a pause, a question still floating in their beautiful head. "But, how old are  you exactly? You sound and act like my age, but the stories you tell make you sound like you're in your thirties."

The beautifully sculpted face fell with confusion, those eyes shifting with that confusion, especially that starshaped eye.

Fresh gave a wary laugh, rubbing the back of his neck.

"I'm forty-six, but..." His mouth curved in a wince before he looked towards Cil. He then took a deep breath before facing Paperjam and gently taking off his glasses. "I'm a True Parasite."

The dark skeleton looked at the other with somewhat wide eyes before letting out a giggling laughter.

"So it's true that you guys-"

"Age slower?" The older monster finished, relaxing some at the simple question. "Yeah, but even for us it's different. I'm a defect as I age much slower than on average. So, while I am legally forty-six, I'm mentally somewhere in the thirties and my body in the twenties."

A snorted laughter was the only response the the ink skeleton, a happy almost smile on his face.

"I take it regular parasites don't age like that?"

A sweet shake of the head was the answer. Laughter happened once more, their bodies falling onto the park's grass.

"No, their mind ages with their body, which is usually why most Parasites go with their mental age rather than their birth age."

Jam rolled onto his side, looking at the other intently.

"What age do you go by?"

Fresh blushed some at the intent interest of this. He had never met someone who wanted know so much about his kind. No, someone who want to know so much about him.

He rather loved it.

"I switch between my mental and physical looks," He gave a soft shrug with a soft smile. "It honestly depends on my mood."

A soft giggle left Paperjam again. He probably would be that way too if he was in Fresh's shoes. Soon, the two boys ran over to them, swiftly falling into their older brother's arms. They were shaking.

This swiftly alerted the ink skeleton to his surroundings.

There, standing creepily close was a human male. He was looking down at the small group of monsters. His cold brown eyes were glaring in some ways.

"Those yer brats?" The man growled.

Jam sneered at the man, swiftly picking up his brothers and standing.

"Yes," He hissed back before turning and attempting to leave. He didn't need a close-minded, idiotic human telling him what he should be doing with his life.

However, the man grabbed the young adult's shoulder and pulled him back. The man's face was sneering and ugly.

"Don't fucking walk away from me you-"

"Leave them alone." A chilling voice interrupted the human, a pale bone hand shoving the man away from the brothers.

Fresh held a neutral face, his dark glasses back on. He looked relaxed and calm, the type of calm that unnerves people in all the horrible ways.

The human gulped some, backing off quickly.

The parasite let the human leave, but his face twisted with anger, anger that was scaring the younger adult.

"M-Mr. Fr-Fresh?" The college student managed out, feeling like he was a child again.

Moving his head slightly, the taller male looked at the other, his expression becoming blank again. It then moved to apologetic.

"Sorry... I didn't mean to scare you." His expression spoke of pain, pain that couldn't be described with words.

The fear that had gripped the younger fell away as he gave the other a gentle smile. A grateful smile. Things could've turned for the horrible worse if PJ honestly thought about it.

"Thank you for protecting us, Mr. Fresh. Bye."

Paperjam took a step back and paused for a minute, a thought forming in his head. Then, without restraint, he leaned to his new friend and gave a soft peck to their cheek.

Quickly, the two men blushed, looking at each other in shock. A few minutes passed before Jam finally ran away, carrying his baby brothers close to his chest.

The two trouble makers were giggling about how much they liked Fresh, saying he was like a Dad and such things. These comments didn't help the motherly sibling's blush.

However, that was the last time Paperjam saw Fresh. At least for a few months since the break was over. Those few months at the college weren't too bad, especially with the nice parasite's helpful advice and tips.

Honestly, it didn't take long before another break was approaching. Jam sighed softly, relaxing on his bed. Soon, he got bored and went to his phone for some news. Yeah, boring stuff.

Yet, the first thing that stood out was the fact a serial killer was near his town. It wasn't the actual fact that there was a serial killer near his home town, it was the gruesome, horrid photos of what that nut job had done to his victims.

The way he had killed them was just disgusting and nightmare inducing!

PJ took a deep breath and shook his head. No, no... He was fine, he knew how to protect his brothers and the likely hood of them being targeted next was low...


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