The Goddess pt 3

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Jam sighed some as she began to make her own little hut away from everyone. It was closer to the forest seeing as no one really wanted to get close to it. No one but the children and Fresh. This did give her the privacy she wanted and a rather safe place for the children to relax with her till the adults grew some balls and stormed over to her.

As she built her home, some of the children had came up to help her, or just to talk and be away from their parents. She didn't mind either way, they were nice company. However, they all ran away when they saw the Chief.

Humming, she turned to him and gave him a gentle smile, hoping it would keep him from doing anything stupid and rash. She really didn't want him to try and hurt the children or yell at them. However, that smile faltered when she saw him carrying some wood and vines over to her. Cut and bleeding horribly.

"O-Oh my! Hurt!" She cried out, rushing over to him as he laid the items down.

The Chief raised an eyebrow, his body oddly tensing and he could feel himself flexing a little. Why? He had never reacted to a woman's concerned gaze like this before... Then she tenderly touched the area around the wound. It felt like sparks were flying from her  fingertips, burning straight to his cold heart.

Then those touches vanished, making him refocus on what was happening. He then watched her grab her basket of medical supplies and hurry back over to him.

"Sit!" She demanded in a harsh tone, a tone that many parents would use on disobedient children.

Fresh chuckled some, rolling his eyes, but did was she had wanted him to do. Nimbly, she tended to his worst wound, sticking it and then covering it securely. She then worked on the others. She had made sure to clean the wounds with purified water and some other herbs to make sure that the wounds didn't get infected. This also helped her gauge if he needed more stitches.

Once she was done, her dark hands were covered in his blood and a bit of it had gotten onto her face as well. He oddly liked the sight of his blood on her. Why? The sight of the blood on her filled him with some unknown pride and lust.

"No fighting..." Her voice was stern, but she then paused, biting her lip as she tried to think of the next words. "No fighting for... one season." She tilted her head some, showing her obvious confusion.

Another chuckle left the brute of a man as he nodded anyways. He assumed she would let him know whether or not he could fight again. She seemed stern enough for that.

Once seeing that he understood her, she gave him a bright smile. She then got up and left for a few minutes before coming back with some water, herself all clean. She then started a fire only big enough to really boil the water.

The two then sat there, waiting for the water to boil. He had notice she did this a lot, most likely to purify the water as the Great Healer did this as well. He didn't understand why she did that, but he didn't try and stop her.

Once the water was boiling, she found two misshapen cups and poured some of the hot water in. She swished the water around before tossing it out. She then added some packed leaves to the cups before finally adding water to it.

In the bright sunlight, Fresh was able to see the water darken and foam ever so slightly. He was also able to smell an odd, but soft aroma from the cups.

"Drink?" The young woman offered one of the cups to him, giving him a soft smile.

The man furrowed his brows at the cup, before he finally took it. For several moments, he stared at the cup before he finally took a careful sip of the hot liquid. He pulled away, grunting to himself. The odd drink didn't taste bad, it was actually really good.

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