Dragons pt2

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Several minutes passed before the rest of the small group woke up. They had noticed something was different. It wasn't hard to find out as PJ's spot was empty. Their eyes widen and fear pushed through them.

Quietly and swiftly, they got out of their tents, Geno and Whipple holding their hiking bags that were filled with both food and medical supplies. The group then hurried into the forest, Sprinkle and Whipple being the ones with flashlights. Even with how bright the flashlights were, the darkness around them kept them blinded and only able to keep track of each other and a few feet of what's a head of them.

None of them dared scream out for their friend, not knowing if that would attract any predators to them. They also had a good sense of where Paper had gone, seeing as he had carefully traced some of the trees with his usual half finished circle with a tail going to the upper left side.

The group only stopped when they heard more crashing noises. They sounded awful to their ears, close and dangerous. Still, they pressed on, feeling eyes bearing into their bodies. That didn't matter at the moment. What did, was the fact that they found their friend at the bottom of ditch with glowing liquid surrounding their head.

As fast as the group could, they were down in the ditch, trying to heal their friend. Thing was, Whipple's healing magic wasn't as strong as Paperjam's magic. It was actually pretty bad. However, they only needed it to make sure Jam didn't bleed out while Geno applied healing ink that Jam's mom made them pack. The wound was still pretty bad at that, but thankfully not life threatening.

"Oh... My... God..." Whipple panted softly, gagging a bit as he glowed faintly. That was one of the things he had inherited from his mother. Much like her, he glows when he overuses his magic. No one knows why, but it just happens and in the dark it was much more noticeable.

Sprinkle looked around him, gulping a little. He looked very worried. He could sense a lot of people were watching them, but those eyes didn't feel... human, for the lack of a better word.

"Guys... We should hurry back." He whispered, not taking his eyes off his surroundings. He didn't like the eyes, even shining the flashlight into the surrounding area.

The group nodded, Whipple and Palette carefully picked the ink skeleton up, but it wasn't long before only Palette was holding his half brother.

"We should find a way out of this ditch..." The starry eyed monster whispered, looking up the steep incline. However, his brows were furrowed together. Biting his lip some, he finally decided to actually voice his real thoughts. "What... What do you think made Bro fall?" He took his eyes off the incline and moved it towards the others. Their faces were filled with nothing but terror.

Now, none of them were brave, but to fall down a ditch? Unless PJ was trying to get away from the bullies, he would've been careful! Even then, he wouldn't just fall! Something had to have Paper's full attention to not notice the ditch... But what?

Deep, animalistic growls sounded from the trees surrounding the young teens in the ditch. Even to their untrained ears, there was more than one animal now watching their every movement. Whipple quickly huddled close to Palette, shrinking some to be as small and nonthreatening as possible. Palette held a very fearful look, his breathing hitching some. Sprinkle quickly pulled out his dagger that his insane Pops made him always carry and Geno had started to look up in the trees in hopes of figuring out what was making the noises.

"Geno..." The hoody wearing skeleton whispered, really hoping that the braver one of the group could tell them it was nothing... Just something with a bigger bark than its bite. Anything like that!

Yet, Geno's eye landed on a pair of frosty blues that were high up in the trees. He couldn't make out the body the eyes belonged to, but the eyes were forward facing, meaning a predator and they were large with cat slits that were wide almost. He then watched as the thing opened its mouth, a sharp frost blue tongue with almost grey glowing saliva dripped from its mouth, the tongue licking what Geno could only assume were its lips. When its mouth was open, other than the tongue, the fragile skeleton saw large, sharp teeth stained diluted colors.

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