Medicate pt3

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The jock gently grabbed Freshy's hand before the tiny teen could leave the school. With a soft pull, he lead the other to his car.

The scarred male frowned deeply, openly confused. However, he didn't say anything as he didn't feel like he was being threatened.

Once the two were in the car, PJ started to drive them to a small café. The small male was confused on why they were there, but didn't say anything to it.

For some hours, they just stayed in the small shop, eating in silence mostly and doing their homework.

PJ looked to his partner, yearning to reach out and hold them. He had to restrain himself though, he honestly doubted that type of behavior would be welcomed. Yet, he couldn't see why it wouldn't.

"I think we'll get this project done this weekend." The tiny nerd whispered over their silence,  tilting his head to the side.

A soft blush formed on the darker student, who quickly nodded. They were getting the majority of it done during the weekends anyhow, so it made sense.

"Why don't you spend the weekend at my place?" The basketball player asked.

This caught the other off guard, who held a confused look on his face. He then looked down. He didn't want to be a bother.

"N-No... I-It's fine." The smile that was given was sorrowful, making the bigger male frown deeply.

"It honestly wouldn't be a problem to have you over. I have my own apartment that I go to on weekends and holidays." The look of confusion was made again, and this  time PJ noticed how cute it was. "Its an arrangement me and my Uncle made when I got my first job. I wanted independence, but I was too young and didn't have experience." PJ shrugged at the end.

The shy male giggled, smiling at the end.

The jock's heart skipped a beat, a subtle blush forming. He couldn't believe this little thing was so adorable, and he had never noticed it before!

Quietly clearing his throat, the dark skinned jock ate his food.

"So, when should I pick you up?" PJ asked softly.

The tiny male just shrugged, picking at his food some. He wasn't really hungry, he had a big lunch.

"The usual time?" He looked at the other, biting his bottom lip.

PJ zoned in on the lip bite. As innocent as it was, it made him want to kiss the nerd. Swiftly, he cleared his mind of any of those thoughts. Honestly, the guy didn't even look like he wanted to be in a relationship, so those thoughts weren't needed nor welcomed.

With a quiet nod, the jock gave the other a soft smile. The smile looked so real and genuine that it sparked a soft ball of light in the smaller.

On an odd instinct, the scarred boy raised his hand to twirl a strand of hair between his fingers. Yet this motion cause his sleeve to slide down some. Just enough to show one of the more recent markings of the nerd's failure.

The fading red cut instantly caught the other's mismatched eyes. Suddenly, he had the pale wrist in his dark hands, pulling the sleeve up.

He watched with horror as he revealed cut after cut, scar after scar. None of it looked infected, but none of it looked good either.

Swiftly his green and hazel eyes looked to the other, who was refusing to look at him at this point.

The jock's grip tightened a fraction, his face turning stern and almost angry.

"We're going to my place now." His voice was soft, but refusing to take no for answer.

And just like that, the two were in the playboy's apartment, which was surprisingly well kept. However, Freshy wasn't able to see much of the living room or the kitchen as he was dragged into the other's room.

Gently, the playboy pushed the smaller into the room, his eyes looking them up and down. There was nothing sexual about it, he was looking to see if any more wounds were visible.

"Shirt off, now."

The nerd gulped, but hesitantly did as the more dominating male said. He shivered as he felt the other's eyes on him, watching as he revealed his scarred body.

At least half of his body was burned similar to his eye, not terribly horrible, but not exactly friendly either. The scarcely decorating his chest and hips were cuts, some of them looking shallow, others not so much.

"Glasses off too." J's voice had softened when he said that, his eyes mostly focused on the burns. It looked as though the fire was trying to wrap it's fingers around him, twisting and curling in sharp turns, yet it pulled away at certain areas.

With trembling hands, Freshy pulled off his glasses, showing his burned eyes. He was lucky that he was pulled out of the fire quickly, only getting some minor burns in easily places to hide. Yet the fire had caused his eyesight in his left eye to basically being shot.

Softly a squeak left the smaller's mouth, his eyes focusing in on the other male in front of him. The jock was softly touching the burn around the other's eye, being gentle with how hard he was pressing his fingers against the skin.

PJ's eyes then traveled the damaged male's body some, his hands following. He was gently feeling the burns and cuts, his hands lingering on the cuts more than than the burns.

As the taller was doing this, Freshy became somewhat a red color. His burns were the most sensitive part of him, which sometimes didn't do him any favors at school when some kids purposely bump into him. Yet, here, it wasn't painful, just... He doesn't actually know any words to really describe it. Odd, pleasant, warming, embarrassing?

No, none of those words felt right. They were close, but they weren't right.

Soon, the jock stopped touching his partner's body, moving both his hands back up to the other's face. Tenderly, those hands cupped the weaker male's face.

PJ rubbed his thumbs under the smaller's eyes, watching as they focused on him before glossing over with unshed tears. He saw the pain and hell the smaller was facing in those eyes. He saw how much the fire had taken from him.

"It's okay to cry, I'm right here." The playboy whispered soothingly.

And just like that the quiet nerd, was crying. Sobs left his lips quickly, his body trying to move from the other. He didn't want to be seen like this.

Yet, his partner wouldn't allow that, pulling Freshy into a comforting hug. The smaller squirmed, trying to get out of it, but he needed the comfort. He wanted the comfort.

For some hours, the two stayed in that room, PJ just cradling Freshy to his chest as the small male cried and whimpered.

The jock didn't say anything as he honestly didn't know what to say! He honestly hadn't gone through anything as traumatic as the little being in his arms.

Sighing softly, PJ watched as the smaller fell asleep, clinging to his shirt some. It was adorable and heart breaking at the same time.

Relaxing some, the jock, covered them with a blanket. Sending a quick text to his uncle explaining that one of his friends had an emergency, he focused his attention on the smaller.

He was gonna help them in any way he could. That was a promise.

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