My Territory, My Rules pt2

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Some months had passed since the group of skeletons had taken over the old reserve. Paperjam clearly wasn't happy about this. He kept arguing, saying that the reserve was supposed to be a protective place for rare and unique animals. The adults tried to tell him that they were being careful to not cause too much trouble for the natural environment, but their words mostly fell on deaf ears.

Fresh liked this about PJ. He was stubborn, but in a way that was adorable, even to the exhausted adults. He saw how the when the boy wanted the animals to approach, they did so kindly, and when he didn't, they left him be.

It wasn't long before Fresh revealed himself to the young child. Of course, this was a genuine accident as the boy had found him while he was trying to find some herbs and spices. The child surprisingly didn't scream at the sight, it could have been due to the fact he too was an odd-looking person. Instead of screaming, he had cautiously walked over, making himself known only by a shy way of greeting.


At the sound of his voice, the serpent-skeleton bolted up. He stiffly turned to the child, who had shrunk away from the larger monster. Fear and curiosity were in their eyes, demanding they stay where they were to learn more.

Fresh relaxed some, sitting himself lower on his tail to appear less threatening.

"Hello..." He greeted back in a deeper voice.

It was that simple meeting and the child kept going back to find him. It wasn't hard as the animals showed him the way and Fresh tried to talk with him as often as he could. The two loved each other's company, thriving on it truthfully.

PJ loved their conversations and had lots of fun spending time with him. He liked going to more secluded places with Fresh, eating with him and all that. To him, it seemed as if the half skeleton monster was the only one who got it. Was the only one who truly understood and listened to him. As years went by and the older he got, the more his puppy love changed to something more.

Fresh loved every moment they had together. He loved how feisty and determined the younger monster was. He loved listening to them complain as much as he loved listening to them telling him stories of the new outside world and how it had changed. With every passing year, he noticed how less of a child the other was becoming. With every passing year, he wanted them to stay with him longer, he wanted to impress them more. He also wanted to show that he could be a good mate, that he could protect them, feed them, that he could do whatever it is that the younger would need! He wanted the younger as his own. As his bride.

During the years, the adults soon found out about Fresh. At first, they were frightened by him, had attacked him. They had tried to move away, tried to take his beloved new bride with them! He was close to killing them, shredding them to little bits! Yet, it was his bride that kept them from running away, it was his bride that brought him into the light.

PJ was so much like his first bride, but they were far more beautiful. Far more elegant and graceful. Even shyer than his first bride.

After years, the ink skeleton was finally considered an adult amongst his family. They were still distrustful of Fresh, they could tell what he wanted, what he desired of the younger. Yet, the more they had tried to push the two apart, the closer they became and the further drawn from the village they became. After a while, all the adults could do was accept that the true monster loved the younger and vice versa.

Once the ink skeleton could leave the house, he did. He took all the things he had wanted and thought he would need, before making the hike to Fresh's mountain home. Sometime in his young teenage years, the Naga had shown him where to find it.

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