The Prince's Maid pt2

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Sauvé learned very quickly why Jasper didn't have any personal servants. He was a terror.

He would wake early, demand breakfast early, study for hours on end, and if he wasn't studying, he was then making a mess of everything he could while insulting and demeaning anyone he could. After dinner he would walk around the Castle gardens before taking a dip in the near bottomless pool before he decides to retire for the night, if you're lucky.

Now, with Sauvé being his personal maid, she had to wake before him to prepare a bath and his clothes, while also making sure his breakfast is ready. Then, while he was studying, she was to clean up his rooms; bedroom, bathroom, Labatory, his personal library, and wherever else he had demanded of her! Then for she would have to coerce him to eat something for lunch! Oh, she also had to clean any messes he makes, she never apologized for his behavior, it wasn't her who demeaned someone. Then she would have to accompany him in the garden walks before getting another bath and night clothes ready when he was done with his night swim!

The fair-haired woman was exhausted most days, with him purposely leaving as large of a mess as possible. She knew he enjoyed having such control over her. It annoyed her greatly, but she rather not say a word about it.

"She must be, why else would she stay near the Prince?" A hushed whisper floated into the tired woman's ear.

Sauvé knew what they were talking about. They were thinking of her as a masochist, and honestly she didn't blame them. Real difficult to say you're not one when all you do day in and day out is a pain. Though, hearing those damn rumors spreading was becoming more and more annoying.

The voices became silent as they noticed her presence, her walking down the hall with her head held high. She was used to having whispers about her. Sure, those whispers were usually lustful or jealous, but whispers were whispers.

She only allowed herself to relax when she was in the safety of her Master's bedroom. That day, she had decided to do laundry. The staff were told that the Castle was going to be visited by some powerful guests, powerful and noble guests. That meant, to her, that she was going to be busier than before. So, she had gotten Jasper's nicer clothes rewashed and ironed the best she could and washed whatever dirty clothes he had as well.

Sighing some, she hurried to get the room cleaned and prepared for her Master's return from the study. The guests were sure to be arriving near dinner, and if she knew Fallacy well enough, she knew that he would force his son to join in the greeting. It was a small amount of satisfaction to see someone with more power than the boy vampire put him in his place.

"What has you smiling like that?" A familiar voice called, a smirk evident in their voice.

"Just thinking of what the guests would think you, Milord." She hummed, laying out a cream white button up with a pair of elegant royal blue pants and a deep blue vest that was accented with gold and silver swirls and patterns.

The Prince sighed, rolling his mismatched eyes. So far, his parasite had only done the things that were "approprate" as a maid. He hated that.

"Do you think those colors will look good?" He hummed. He was never a fan of the royal blue, he thought it made his Golden brown skin look too awkward and organgy. The only reason he still had it, was because his mother had gotten it for him and his father refused to let him get rid of it.

The pale ivory skinned woman hummed, picking up the vest and walking over to the Prince. She held the vest up to his chest, tilting her head some before nodding.

"You're right, they won't look good." She hummed. "They pull away from your eyes." She then turned around, neatly grabbing the matching pants and jacket before tossing them into a familar corner.

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