The Prince's Maid

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MsSassy-cat Sadly I couldn't naturally fit in smut, but I'll make it next time. I'm really sorry about that, but I do hope you like what I have so far!


It was rumored that Francene was the most beautiful woman in the whole city! That her beauty was not false, but as pure as gold, that her heart was the same as her outside.

Everyone knew her as the fair-haired beauty or as the magenta eyed wonder. Her smile and laugh always seemed to be contagious, her good nature encouraging others to mimic her deeds. Her village grew in fame because of her beauty and sweetness. Taverns and Inns profiting from many suitors lining up to meet her. Shops and more profiting well enough to gain more materials to pull more profit.

The town owed her everything. Yet, when a vampire hoard came to the town, they threw her away. They ran as they left her to deal with it, yet she didn't care. She knew that they only saw her for what she could offer them. She wasn't stupid nor blind to it all.

When they had left her to the hoard, she had changed her appearance. Her curly, long, golden-yellow hair was cut to a short curly bob, with bang long enough to cover her odd eyes. Even still, she hid those eyes behind dark lensed glasses. After that, she bound her breasts, giving her a more boyish appearance. With that, she dressed in baggy clothes of her brother. She knew trying to play the part of a poor boy would backfire fast, but if she just played as the cousin of the house... She could pull that off easier.

The vampires that found her were awful, marking her neck and arms with bites, draining her near the point of death. They treated her like a slave. She hated it.

Then they discovered her eyes. Those once soft magenta eyes were dark and filled rage. Her lips that once only knew how to smile, sneered. The vampires were frozen with terror. Those eyes, they were warned about eyes like those. To kill those eyes the moment they were spotted. And they had tried. Except it was too late for them.

Francene's magic had activated. The magic of possession, corruption, and taking one's soul.

Vampires, as much as they try to hide it, did have a soul much like humans. Their souls though aged slowly, but a healthy soul produces a lot of energy that can be translated however the person wants. Most go for physical strength as it makes it far easier to subdue victims and keep other vampires off their backs. Yet, those that go for magic are far more deadly. Their senses are heightened almost beyond the natural point of even most elder vampires! They adapt more quickly situations and those that are strong, have gained this strength over time or carefully splitting the way their energy is being used.

Fallacy leaned more heavily on the physical strength side, but he did not allow his magic to weaken either. He needed both to control his subjects, with only one, he'd be too weak to do so. His son, though, leaned more towards magic than physical strength in the use of his soul's energy. Even with this different balance, no one dared disrespect the young Prince.

The reason why it is important to know all of this, was that after Francene's vampire hoard had suddenly gone silent, the two Royals had originally sent a few scouts to see what was wrong. When they went silent too, the Royals decided to go and check on it. There, they were met with bodies of human, vampire, and even a few demons that had shown up as well. There was only one survivor; a fair-haired boy with sharp magenta eyes and a dull face.

His once fancy looking clothes were ripped, torn and dirty with blood and dirt. Grim covered his skin and matted his hair. He gazed upon the new arrival of the night-walkers. He showed no interest in them from where he sat. They weren't interesting.

"Are you... Close to some Nobles?" He called out, his voice soft and smooth like silk. The Prince noted it didn't sound like a boy's voice.

Fallacy stepped forward, his eyes narrowed on the parasite.

"No." He said sharply. "I and my son are the Royal leaders of the vampires. I-"

"Be my butler."

Everyone's eyes grew wide as they all turned toward the Prince, a smirk slaying his lips. His words had even gotten a reaction out of the other. Surprise at first before a soft smile formed on their cracked lips and then laughter.

It wasn't a dark, insane laughter that normally followed parasites. It was sweet and charming, dripping the air in a sort of calmness that was unnatural. It drew the Prince toward them. No, toward her. She may have been hiding it well, but he could tell.

"My~ So straight forward!" She went into a fit of cheery giggles, making the others question what she was. "I'll be your..." She paused, her magenta eyes looking to the others before focusing back on the rather handsome looking vampire. "Personal Maid, as long as I get protection from the others." She then motioned to the bodies laying around her. "I don't think we need to think of why." A sinister grin took hold of her beautiful face, but the Prince didn't believe in it. He could tell that it did pain her to have to kill all these people, but he didn't vocalize his theory.

"Of course! No ones allowed a bite of you without my permission." His own grin matched hers, but the validity of it was true. "And no one gets that permission."

Francene gulped a little but kept her calm, dark look. It kept the other vampires away from her. It kept her and them safe. She liked that, she didn't really want to hurt all of these people. Glancing at the two Royal vampires, she could tell they knew this little secret about her. She was grateful they weren't saying anything.

Suddenly, the younger vampire walked forward, extending a hand. A smirk was plastered on his full his lips, his eyes partially hidden behind his dark, inky hair.

"My name is Jasper, what shall we call you, My dear?" His smirk grew some as he carefully tilted his head.

The fair-haired lady giggled some, dodging the out stretched hand. She didn't trust him completely yet.

"My family name is Sauvé. You can call me that." She said with a cross of the arms. "I'm also not wearing a skirt. It'd make it hard to keep up with you... Master Jasper." She bowed her head at the end, biting the inside of her lip.

Jasper chuckled some, his smirk shifting to a grin. He could work with that. He liked this parasite~ They were going to be fun~ Specially when it came to his studies~

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