Tainted Want pt2

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Grillby kept his word to Jam, but he told his little nephew the deal. Yet the news didn't make the small monster feel relieved or relax. He was scared of the dark monster, scared that this monster was some form of mafia leader or something worse!

Like how powerful and rich does the monster have to be to just simply demand someone to spend time with them?!

Of course though, if the monster could help pay everyone's wages, then they wouldn't need too many customers then...

Freshy sighed some, huddled up in his Uncle's office. He was scared. This would be his first day actually doing his part of the deal.

He wanted to have his Uncle there, in cause anything happened...

Jam sighed softly as he knocked on Grillby's office door. He figured the little one would want to have the old man as his company, after all the only geezer was a General for a good reason.

Grillby looked over to his nephew, getting a slow nod from the young teen. Sighing heavily, the fire element called the other in.

Jam entered smoothing, holding himself in a prideful way, yet he kept himself low enough as though to not be intimidating.

Quickly, the ink skeleton noticed the small skeleton hiding in their oversized scarf, looking at him through their dark sunglasses. Jam gave them a soft smile, sitting across from them, making sure there was plenty of room of course.

"I assume you're thinking of me as a true monster for being able to do this." He started out, his deep voice calm and soothing.

Grillby carefully narrowed his eyes as he worked on the club's paperwork. He had known Jam for a long time, and he had never heard that monster speak so softly. It was such a calming, soothing voice that if it weren't for the way the world was, or the fact they knew each other, Grillby would've been relaxed by it. But the world was an awful place and he did know the other monster.

Freshy flinched, tensing. He hadn't meant to make his fear so obvious like this.  Would the monster get angry by this and kill him?!

The ink skeleton gave a soft smile, trying to not scare the poor thing any more.

"It's alright. In this type of world true monsters are in a lot of places."

Jam watched as the little thing tilted their head up some, barely nodding in agreement. He knew they were scared to admit anything, so he said nothing about the weak nodding.

This though, went on for many of their sessions together. And while that was happening, Grillby tried to change the scene of his club. He was trying to make it a "sexy" drinking area where the people are served by his old strippers.

The shift was going well enough, the women and men still making decent money and they got to where more covering clothes! The brutes that came in though, loved it as they then could cop a feel without having to pay the big money.

The strippers didn't care about that, they were sadly use to the horrible touches and looks that were given to them. Besides, if they said nothing and played along, maybe give out some favors, they'd get tip more than would've gotten as strippers.

Grillby didn't like that, but as long as his people were safe, he couldn't really do anything. Plus, they told him they were fine, even if he didn't believe that all too well.

Freshy though, was never part of the serving crew, he was always in the kitchen, making the meals. It helped with the place grow a new reputation for having good food and hot people serving said food.

This made Jam very pleased. He didn't really care about the other people who were there, but he knew that Freshy would like them to be safe too, so he made sure that all knew to behave there. Groping was the worst they could do.

Sighing some, Jam sat back in his VIP room. The was originally VIP for strippers, it still had the pole, but everything else was wiped clean and seemed more like an actual VIP room.

The door to the room opened up and the shy little monster finally stepped in, carrying some food! Hot and freshly made food.

Freshy set the food in front of the  ink skeleton, sitting a couple of seats away from them. They never said a word about, never even made a motion of hating it... They never really did anything to purposely make him uncomfortable. They always allow him to choose the place of their next meeting and they even allowed him to speak as little as possible!

"You're cooking is wonderful, when the world rights itself, you should open your open place." The monster mentioned causally, eating the food without any hesitation. "Or change this place again to just be a regular bar with great food." He shrugged, not really caring on either.

Freshy bit the inside of his mouth before lifting his head up enough to give the older monster a soft smile. They were complimenting him, so he should at the very least give them a smile.

Jam paused in his devouring of the delicious food to admire the small skeleton's wary smile. Even timid, the smile was adorable.

Gently, he gave a small smile back. This caused a bit of blue to rise to the other's cheeks as they quickly looked away, something that the bastard learned meant the little thing was embarrassed.

"You are a very adorable monster." He hummed softly.

The young monster nodded some, shaking some at the compliment. Mr. Jam had always been giving him those soft compliments and it felt like they were genuine compliments, but they held such a bad taste...

The horrible monster noticed the shaking and frowned. He noticed that every time he said anything remotely nice, a flinch was his answer, a whimper if he was really unlucky that day. He had tried to be nice about it, but it was getting on his nerves. He needed to know what happened to the younger for them to be like this!

"Freshy, why do you flinch at every compliment?"

Said monster flinched again, shakily looking at the other behind their glasses. Even though the tinted lenses made it harder to see color, the taller monster's eyes were very clear. Very clear and filled with an undying rage.


"Don't apologize." The words were snapped out, the tone harsher than the other intended it to be. "I don't want you to apologize for being a victim of something." The ink skeleton's voice softened, but the rage didn't go away. "You don't have to tell me what they did, but please tell me who."

The two stared at each other for a long time, both observing each other carefully. Yet, while Jam was observing Freshy's body language, Freshy was observing Jam's eyes.

Those eyes were always cold to everyone but him, to him they were a gentle warm. He always took this warmth as hideous lust, yet right there... The longer he looked into those glowing orbs, the more he saw. The rage wasn't to him, that much was clear, but that warmth wasn't lust, it wasn't love either, but it at least wasn't lust. The eyes weren't caring, they weren't kind or gentle, but they were for him. They wanted to help him.

Tears weld in the younger's eyes the more he stared at the other's, and before he could stop himself, he told everything to the monster. He told them of what happened, told them why it happened, told who did it and what they said... He told them everything that had burning in his chest. His family already knew what happened, but they couldn't do anything to that bastard and the police were almost as corrupt as them, so nothing could be done with it.

Nothing by any moral reasonings.

Jam gritted his teeth softly as he pulled the sobbing skeleton into his chest. It was taking every ounce of control he had to not go after the bastard who hurt his Freshy right at that instant! But he knew when he was done comforting his little skeleton, hell was to be paid.

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