A Little Planning

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Jam giggled softly as she glanced towards her boyfriend. He was talking with his group of friends, who the majority of were innocent weebs that just happened to be jocks. All of them were hot, sexy things that could actually make a person faint with their unknown sex appeal. Fresh was honestly the worst one out of them though.

"Girl, just fuck him already." Muttered the not so naïve gamer girl. Her blue dyed hair was pulled into two long pigtails, something that added to her round, wide-eyed face. She often was dressed in simple shorts and shirts with the occasional skirt and blouse that had the majority of the boys and girls swooning after her.

"Yeah, you're clearing getting pent up." A tinier girl whispered. She had naturally bright, blond hair that was cut into a wavy bob type of style. She either wore a skirt or dress to school that was always a pastel color of some kind.

The last two people just stayed quiet, simply agreeing with them.

Jam giggled at them again, blushing subtly at their remarks. Despite them all having innocent, adorable looks, they all were sinners... Sometimes worse than their loud, open classmates.

"I don't want to make him uncomfortable. Besides," Her lips pulled into a cheeky smile. "for this break we're going to be spending it alone at his parents' summer lodge~"

The others grinned and laughed softly, holding back their soft squeals of happiness and such things.

Suddenly, the tiny posse were focused on something behind Jam. Her expression dropped from happiness to confusion quickly, not sure what caught her friends' attention. Yet, she didn't have to wonder long as her body was quickly captured in a soft, but rather warm hug.

A gentle chuckle left Jam's lips as she felt her teddy bear of a boyfriend purr. Fresh was always such a loving and caring guy to her. To others... Eh, it honestly depended on how close you were to him after that and how angry you made him.

"Hi, Freshy." The black haired woman murmured lovingly.

A soft blush formed on the pale man's face, but the pet name made him smile brightly. Only she was ever allowed to call him that.

"Hi, Jammy." He countered, making her giggle. "I was just telling my friends what we were going to be doing this break." His voice was oddly chirpy, yet it suited him at the moment. "Actually, Alphys suggested some Anime we could watch while there." This made the blond haired male lean a bit over, making sure he was facing his girlfriend. "If you want to watch them."

Quickly, without much thought, Jam kissed her wonderful boyfriend. He was always making sure that she was comfortable even with the tiniest thing. It was adorable to her.

"Of course~" She cooed, sweetly. "It can't be all what I want this break. There has to be a balance." She hummed. "Besides, Alphys had suggested a few good ones before."

Fresh beamed, laughing softly. He was such a sweet and soft guy. So adorable to be honest.

PJ carefully rubbed her legs together, her eyes subtly looking him up and down. How could he be so innocent? How could he be so hot like this and not show any sexual urges? Him acting so innocent was just driving her crazy!

Her group of friends quickly noticed, but said nothing, just smiling softly. They needed to help that girl or else she might exploded!

Suddenly the bell for class rang so the couple split up, Jam hurrying off to her advance classes.

Fresh's smile softened before disappearing quickly and his expression turned dark. He always was looked like that whenever his girlfriend wasn't around. As much of a weeb as he was, he certainly didn't look like it. To the outside bubble of friends both of them have, Fresh looked like the mean jock you don't fuck with. The jock you would want to befriend as a nerd for protection. Or the type of jock who would skip classes at random.

He did do the latter a few times. He just couldn't help but find school pointless except to see his girlfriend and friends. Honestly, he could learn everything and more reading and learning on his own at home.

He did, though, leave for his own class. His parents would yell at him if they found him skipping class and he didn't want that. Not before he left on vacation with his girlfriend. That would sour the whole ride there.

The school week thankfully ended swiftly, and the two love birds were quickly making their way down to the summer log cabin.

The drive was nice and uneventful. Though, the teddy bear did notice something was off with his love. She was a bit more distracted than usual, often staring at him for a few moments longer than needed. She also was shifting a lot in a familiar way she did when she wanted to say something.

"Jammy, is something on my face?" He gave her a bright smile, but his odd colored eyes showed worry. Worry that she was rethinking on going on the trip with him.

The beautiful teen blushed, giggling softly. Carefully, she leaned over and kissed him.

"Not yet~" She cooed out before sitting back right.

The smile fell some, confusion taking its place. Not yet? Was she planning on making him his favorite cake when they get their? They do have the ingredients for it...

Glancing over, he saw her giving him a smirking look, her eyes narrowed softly. It was a look he hadn't seen at all, period. It gave him chills, making his body feel weird.

Gulping softly, he just focused on the road ahead, trying to forget whatever he saw. It probably was nothing...

It didn't take long before the two were there and settling down. They both were tired from the long drive and putting the food and clothes away, so they decided that for a short while, they'll just relax in the master's bedroom. Humming some, they started watching movies for the rest of the night with the leftover take out they had earlier.

The movies weren't too much, just simple action movies and such things and there was enough leftover take out to actually be a meal. So at the moment, everything was going well.

But, it can always be better.

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