And on Sunday he rested... in his grave he was put into

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Sunday. A day to lay rest. Enjoy. Peace. Relax.

It was the day Frozen Milk held highest in his heart, a day he put all of his life force into to replenish himself. He finally had some time alone. The creator could cherish his own achievement and take a breather.

Yet, everything had to come back, and it would end in a full circle, only then would the little devils and the writer god be satisfied and bring upon blessing to this small exploitable cannon fodder.

He shall return to the roots and the earth shall swallow him up to lead him to the depths of all origins in the black abyss of hatred.

Frozen Milk after more than two years finally had the chance to interact with his own world again. Yet the way he expected it hit him over and handed him to the evil maestri the system was. In front of Frozen Milk, the all-familiar window opened up- the hate comments of his readers.

All Frozen Milk wanted was a relaxed day. A peaceful, normal, resting day! His characters finally left him alone and Frozen Milk wanted to exploit this opportunity to have some time alone! But it seemed like Sunday was now the day for his fucking system to toy with him!

Fuck! Couldn't Frozen Milk just catch a break for once?

"What is the meaning of this?" a shitstorm appeared before Frozen Milk again, however this time he neither appreciated nor enjoyed it.

"System congratulates host on finishing the book and retribution. Host truly redeemed himself and lives happily in peace now. Therefore, system will sort out the rewards. After completing the plot, system promised host to be able to draw random prizes.

Since host already is part of the story now, plot armour isn't needed anymore. System took the freedom to draw for ho-"

"You fucking did what for me? Hey, can't I even get the right to draw my ow-"

"System has achieved the prize 'peek into host's world' for host. Rejoice host."

"This is just some bullshit you made up for your self-satisfaction, isn't it? I bet you get a kick out of it! What kind of stupid prize is this? It's useless! Unnecessary! Unacceptable! Let me draw again! I don't need this!"

"Host, please calm down and appreciate your system's care for you."

"You fucking audacious AI garbage! Care for me a crap! This is solely for your entertainment! Just admit it."

"Ah..." the system sighed.

Frozen Milk thought he heard wrong, "Ungrateful host and I don't even get paid..."

This was the first time his system addressed itself as 'I'.

"So, you think of yourself as a person now? Screw you? Damn right, you don't get paid for your lousy service. Tell me, how long do I have to endure you, didn't I finish my mission?"

"Host cannot go home."

"I know, my corpse's already rotten and disintegrated in my pee."


"Fuck! You don't have to verify that!"

"I- System will be by host's side until host dies."



"Shut up. I just wish you'd disappear. What do you mean, stay with me until I die? WHAT DO YOU MEAN?"

Frozen Milk was experiencing a mental breakdown. No, no, no, this couldn't be true. Absolutely not. His system will cling onto him for the rest of his life?

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