You didn't have to die... What is this chapter?

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Frozen Milk spent the night with his holy beauty in silence. She healed him and Frozen Milk finally understood all the ominous hand movements and stares she used to give him before.

The next morning, everyone assembled in Frozen Milk's room. It was a weird feeling for Frozen Milk to see everyone so serious. They all sat on his bed as if Frozen Milk was an animal in a zoo ready to be preyed upon by a bunch of lions.

"So?" all of them were waiting for him to say something.

He felt like he was a fresh graduate on his first job interview only to be mowed down by the intimidating stares of the interviewers. Only thing was, Frozen Milk never went to an interview in his life before!

Being in this situation, it truly felt like he was asked by the interviewers to tell them a little about himself like who the fuck was able to answer a fucking useless question like this?

You wanna hear this but when I say it, it's wrong. When I say that, it's also wrong! No matter what, it was all wrong! So stop asking that stupid question!

Frozen Milk exaggerated, this was nothing like that, this was like a cracker to a melon ratio, easy.

"So," Frozen Milk started off and then suddenly as if someone pressed the flush of a toilet, everything came flushing out of Frozen Milk's mouth.

He told them about the island, about the presence and its goal to destroy the world, however, he left out the fact that this was all inside his novel and he was an author.

They listened attentively and their expression turned grimmer by the second. It didn't go unnoticed by Frozen Milk and he tried to end it at a good note before Prota interrupted, "This is unacceptable!"

"Oh no.." Frozen Milk mumbled and watched how everyone started to argue with each other about who had the honours of saving Frozen Milk.

Frozen Milk got a bit annoyed, "We're talking about my life and the fate of the world here. Your lives too, can you stop pretending I'm some kind of Cinderella or snow white who needs to be saved and that's not even the point here!"

"What? Cind... Snow...? What?" everyone was perplexed and Frozen Milk wanted to bite his tongue off. Of course they didn't know who those were.

"It doesn't matter. Important is that you don't go and do something stupid," Frozen Milk looked at each of them.

"Then what do you propose to do?" Prota sounded impatient.

"Let me think about it and give me some time alone. This means," Frozen Milk pointed at each of them, "That you all don't come closer to me."

"But I have to heal you constantly," Holvb gave the others a sly smirk.

"Only when you sense it's getting out of control," Frozen Milk rubbed his temple as he saw how they started to bicker with each other again.

Finally, Frozen Milk was alone in his room again. He needed to talk with his system.


"What do you suggest?"


"Have you gotten any new intel?"

"System does but..."

"Just say it."

"There's this possibility that hasn't been confirmed yet."

"Tell me."

"If host wishes then all system can say is that the presence has something to do with Glimpse Water. Further than this system cannot provide any more information. Glimpse Water should know more."

Shameless Transmigration: I turned everyone on!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora