The daily life of a straight man's cursed harem

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Everything was normal again. Prota started to cling onto Frozen Milk more than ever, sparking the rivalry with Glimpse Water again. Holbe also got a lot more closer to Frozen Milk and Vil tried to occupy Frozen Milk for himself every night.

The mayor of the water capital came and both sides reached an agreement and signed the peace treatment. Everything went smooth, everything seemed perfect. There wasn't even a mention of the presence. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

It was the dreaded night-time again where Frozen Milk for the 1001st time again had to come up with an excuse to save his petty life from becoming a dominatrix.

Frozen Milk could still remember the one time he yielded to Vil and punished him with whips and cough other explicit stuff that should've not existed in this world but afterwards like any other night when Frozen Milk was caught, it was a struggle of trying to stop the villain from topping him.

It didn't make any sense at all! Vil was an M but why did he still insist on being a top? What didn't make even more sense was that Frozen Milk seemingly accepted the increasing sexual aspects in his life now!

Frozen Milk escaped his way into the garden after telling Vil he had to first get changed. Frozen Milk also didn't understand Vil's urge to relieve himself every single night. To clarify, Frozen Milk and Vil did not, will not, never ever have intercourse.

The only touching that happened was whenever Frozen Milk tried to push his domineering villain off him.

Frozen Milk sat on a bench and watched the moon. Saying it was a garden was a lie, everyone called the space outside the mansion but within the walls that surrounded the mansion a garden. Frozen Milk was basically between the trees on a platform.

"What a coincidence to meet you here, father," Glimpse Water nonchalantly sat next to Frozen Milk.

Frozen Milk rolled his eyes.

Glimpse Water noticed his cold behaviour and asked, "Do you hate me again? Ain't I look charming anymore?"

"What are you talking about?" Frozen Milk was visibly annoyed.

Glimpse Water dropped from the bench to his knees and dramatically shouted, "All my charm points!"

Frozen Milk had no idea what was going and continued to scold Glimpse Water. The latter was aggrieved to the point Frozen Milk sighed and patted Glimpse Water on the back. He indeed neglected his author for quite a while.

Between his 'apparent' favouritism for Prota, him humouring his new suitor Vil and the advantage of Holbe being a female beauty, Glimpse Water stood no chance. With eyes as sad as when Frozen Milk used to miscook his cup noodles, Glimpse Water turned to Frozen Milk to earn some empathy points.

Frozen Milk endured his urge to turn away and smiled at Glimpse Water. Glimpse Water instantly beamed and linked arms with Frozen Milk.

His tsundere author became more honest and wasn't afraid to show his feelings or was it infatuation with Frozen Milk? Frozen Milk was happy he wouldn't be met with those dishonest sentences anymore.

"Father, what can I do to earn back my charm points?"

There were various things Frozen Milk wanted to talk about:

First, don't call me father, it makes me feel old and unholy.

Second, I absolutely have no clue what nonsense you've been lately sprouting.

"I also have no idea," the conclusion Frozen Milk's battle of telling the truth or not was that he would just go along in hopes it'd stop.

"Father is there something worrying you?" Glimpse Water grew up to be so filial!

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