Dominance established...?

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Glimpse Water continued to follow Prota, carrying Frozen Milk, home and made himself comfortable. Prota, however, wasn't happy at all, he already had a hard time pursuing Frozen Milk and now this random stranger appeared and was all over Frozen Milk!

The more Prota thought the more furious he became, however, Frozen Milk was still unconscious and he needed to tend to him. Although first things first, he turned around and faced the random stranger,

"Didn't I say-"

"Do you care about him?"

"Of course, I would do anything to make him happy."

Glimpse Water scowled at Prota's naivety. Why would you say something like that? Aren't you just admitting your own weakness and giving others a chance to exploit you? You might be the strongest but once you tell the villains this, they're bound to kidnap this person you would do anything to make them happy and then? And then what? Be defeated because you're a naive, stupid prick?

But Glimpse Water knew why the protagonist said this, obviously because he wanted to indicate Frozen Milk was off-limits for him. Glimpse Water needed to establish dominance here and rub some salt into the wound he was going to tear open,

"He said, he'd allow me to stay with him, after all, I saved his life when he collapsed from the fever."

See? I saved his life and he already welcomed me with open arms, how far did you come? Glimpse Water smirked.

"Really?" Prota's face softened a bit.

Of course, not dumbass, Glimpse Water thought this was too easy, the protagonist was way too easy,

"Yeah, so if you want to make him happy, let me stay."

"Fine, once Frozen Milk wakes up, I'll ask him until then stay put here."

Glimpse Water this time blanked. 'Frozen Milk' this name.... indeed, he was his creator.

Frozen Milk- Glimpse Water! Who would choose these pen names?

Now, he finally realised he didn't choose it out of his own volition! No wonder he felt weird when he decided on this stupid name!

"Whatever," Glimpse Water sat on a bed and couldn't wait for Frozen Milk to wake up.


The next morning when Frozen Milk opened his eyes, he felt a huge weight on him. He panicked. He couldn't move at all but once he turned his head a bit, he saw how Prota slept next to him or rather on top of him.

Relief spread in all parts of his body until he wondered how in the world, he ended up in his bed again. Was yesterday perhaps just a nightmare? He touched his neck as a sharp yet idle voice cut him out of his drowsiness,

"You awake?"

Frozen Milk sat up and saw Glimpse Water sitting on a chair, casually eating an apple yet had a sour look on his face.

"You always sleep like this? Ain't this obvious preferential treatment? Whatever, like I care," Glimpse Water humphed once but it was painfully clear he wanted an answer.

'Tsundere' crossed Frozen Milk's mind again.

"No, it's just-"

"Of course, we always sleep like this," his shirtless protagonist woke up and glared at Glimpse Water then he turned to Frozen Milk with an abandoned puppy look.

"Frozen Milk, did you really allow him to stay with us? He said, he saved your life yesterday, that's why you offered him this absurd idea! Frozen Milk, you're just too nice!" Prota's eyes sparkled with admiration again.

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