The truth unveiled. Lifting the veil on the appearances!

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As you can read the title, hopefully, I finally have heard the prayers and secret curses directed at me, so I, the almighty and omniscient matcha lover, have no choice but to submit myself under my suffocating fate, and shall not be as Frozen Milk is- an author who gets off of his blackened readers!

So, here you go, character descriptions of each character. Although, I gotta be honest, when I wrote the story I kind of knew how the characters look like but also don't, like when you dream of people but then you wake up you feel it in your memory what their appearance looks like but it's so blurry or uncertain that you can't recall how they really look like but the faint impression is there. Does that make sense?

Anyways, here we go. Also, shout out to this one picture I found that made me accept doing this because I was really not into revealing their appearances as I wanted each reader to have their own imagination. Now that I write what I have for them in mind, it feels like I'm denying all the little, cute and useless pics you drew in your heads.

And yes, I'm trying to ramble on and on in hopes you get so frustrated you drop this chapter and stop reading LMAO

Ok, I'll start for real, for real now, please put down your voodoo doll thank you. Also, there's some unimportant info dumps here as well and unnecessary details, so suck it up, I'm gracing you with some good ol' FAQ no one asked for. (I swear I'm acc a very nice, kind and lovely person irl, I just dare to be sarcastic and arrogant like this online- yeah, this was also a dab at all the 'nice' guys, will I get skinned alive for this? Probably. Will I care? Probably not. Watch me cry myself to sleep then.)

Frozen Milk:

Oh man, ohhhhhh man. We're starting with the most difficult case here huh. I absolutely have no idea what Frozen Milk looks like, altho I've described him as a tender and soft guy, because, well, he's a bottom ahahaha

He's just milky, if that makes sense, a milky boy, pale skin that gets bruised easily so you can vividly see the hickeys drawn all over his body, black hair, peach coloured eyes (totally not because of the cliche peach blossom eyes pfft)

He's quite tall, but still exudes innocence and tenderness, the type you want to bully, tease and mess with, the type that looks cute and fragile, the type you want to see tear up and cry, the type you can't help but want to protect but oh damn, his mouth is more vicious than a huge anaconda slinging around your a**

Basically,  a huge contrast between his appearance and personality, yous should know how his personality is, but do not be mistaken! I repeat, Frozen Milk is tall and his body is quite lean with a bit of muscle, after all, he didn't spend training with the monks for 2 years (altho he mostly did chores, it's still hard work!)

So he seems like a milky boy but when he undresses he can still make you salivate.

Basically, if you know the chinese expression, he looks like a small milk dog but when he wants he can appear as a small wolf dog but poor Frozen Milk, you might make the readers want to be a bottom, but you still will forever be a bottom, you can't escape your fate.

At least Mr A is there to soothe your heart.

Frozen Milk: Fuck, couldn't you at least leave Holbe as a bottom?

Illimin: No.

Frozen Milk: You're a worse wannabe author than me.

Illimin: I don't care, go and suffer your fate


Hmm, this one is fairly easy but at the same time not. Truth be told, the reason this story came into being was because of 'svsss'' sidestory of airplane bro and the villain. I wrote the first chap in mind having the villain as the ML but then somehow it turned into this mess (also it wasn't because I was afraid this would become a total copy of the sidestory, you were. Altho yeah, because I was worried about it being too similiar, this kind of damn self-mocking tinge of flavour was indebted in the story)

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