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My family always gets there earlier then the actual party time so I figured a lot of people would be there. Jack grabbed my hand because he could tell I was shaking.

"I'll be right by your side babe." He said.

"I know just please let's all stay together." I said looking towards Jo and Cam.

We all nodded in agreement. We got to the bottom of the hall steps and turned the corner and a lot of people were thee all of my little cousins ran up to Jo and I hugging us and going crazy. I gave them all hugs and then walked over to see my little sister.

"Happy birthday you little turd." I said hugging her.

"Thanks." She said standing up.

"Jack this is my little sister Tess. Tess this is my boyfriend Jack." I said introducing them.

"Nice to meet you and happy birthday!" Jack said with a smile.

"Thanks and btw I love you!" My sister said hugging him.

"Do you know him or something?" I said to my sister.

"Yea he's Jack Gilinksy the famous viner!!!" Tess basically yelled.

"Yea he's also my boyfriend so hands off!" I said joking.

"Fine!!!" She said running off.

"Where are your parents?" Jack whispered into my ear.

"Over there I think." I said pointing to a table.

We decided to walk over and sure enough it was them.

"You showed up." My mom said glaring at me.

"Yea I did. Like I promised." I said.

"And this is?" My mom asked pointing to Jack.

"Mom, dad this is Jack Gilinsky my boyfriend." I said introducing them.

Jack reached his hand out to shake my dads but my dad ignored him.

"It's nice to meet you both." Jack said.

"I assume it is." My mom said looking away.

"Hello Jo." My mom said waving to Jo.

"Hey what's up. This is Cam my boyfriend." Jo said rolling her eyes.

"Nice to meet you Cameron I suppose that I your name." My mom said trying to act all fancy with her words.

"Yes ma'am my name is Cameron." Cam said smiling.

"You should go see everyone. Well anyone who wants to see you." My mom said not even looking at me.

"Ok." I said grabbing Jack's hand.

We walked around and said hello to everyone. We saved my grandparents for last because I wanted to spend time to talk with them.

"Hey nana, hey pop!" I said walking over to my moms parents.

"Hey sweeties!" My nana said hugging me and Jo.

"Who are these lovely gentle men?" My nana asked.

"This is Cameron Dallas Jo's boyfriend. And this is Jack Gilinsky my boyfriend." I said pointing to the guys.

"It's so nice to meet you both! I'm nana and this is pop we are Gwen's grandparents and Jo is like our adopted granddaughter." My nana said hugging them both.

"It's so nice to meet you nana!" Jack said hugging her.

"It's nice to meet you!" Cam said.

"So let's talk." My pop said to Jack.

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