I'm Ready

38 1 0

October 10th

I've been in Hawaii for 3 weeks now and I decided to go home because Taylor's birthday party is this weekend and I promised Tay that I would come. The O2L guys already left about 2 weeks ago but I decided to stay a little bit longer so that I could relax. My flight leaves at 4 pm and its 11 now so I decided to pack and head over there. When I get there it is really rainy and just a very boring day. I snapped a quick pic outside of the window because it looked really cool. I didn't post the pic anywhere because I was surprising Jo with me coming home.


I didn't tell Jo I was coming home so when I got home I noticed that all the lights were off. I quietly got into the house and put all my bags in my room. I looked in Jo's room but she wasn't there. So I texted her.

Me: heyy💋

I heard a ring from down in the basement and seconds later I got a text back

Jo🔥: hey wyd💁

Me: chillin hbu

Jo🔥: chillin in the basement

I didn't answer her. I just slowly walked down the steps and heard a few voices. Then I heard Jo.

"I miss Gwen so much." She said.

"I missed you too!" I said.

"Wtf? GWEN!!!!!!" Jo screamed running towards me.

"JO!!!" I said running to her.

"I missed you so much. When did you get home?"

"I missed you too and just a few minutes ago."

Jo and I were talking for a good 2 minutes before the bathroom door opened and Jack was standing there staring at me.

"Hey Gwen." He said waving.

"Hi." I said awkwardly.

"I missed you." He said walking towards me.

"Yea." I said looking down at my feet.

"Can we talk?" He asked.



"Yea lets go upstairs." I said turning to go up the stairs.

I sat on the one couch and Jack sat on the other.

"How was your trip?"

"It was very nice. I was alone which felt great. I had a lot of time to myself so I could think."

"I've been thinking too."

"And what have you been thinking about?" I asked.

"You. And me but mostly you."


"And I know that I'm in love with you. I talked with my mom and my dad."

"Your sisters called me."

"They did?" He asked confused.

"Yea, Molly and I talked for a solid 2 hours."

"Have you seen Madison?" I asked.

"Yea. She came over the other day and she is so messed up."

"What do you mean by messed up?"

"Jo and her got into a huge fight an Jo messed her up. She had a broken nose and black eyes and her lip was cut."

"Oh. What did she say when she came over?"

"Nothing. I told her to leave. I told her I didn't want to risk losing you again."

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