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Gwen was so tired and fell asleep as soon as everything was all handled. I sat there with Avery in my arms and just looked at her cute little face. Jack had Mason and he looked so happy. No one has come back to see the babies yet except for Jacks dad came back.


Gwen finally woke up but as still looked tired.

"You did it." I said walking to sit next to her.

"That was probably the hardest thing my body will physically ever go through." She said laughing.

"Well you have told me once or twice that Jack is a little rough with you." I said with a smirk.

"Oh my gosh Jo stop." She said laughing weakly.

"So how are you feeling?"

"Well I feel like shit, I look like shit and I'm pretty sure I smell like shit so I'm doing good."

"I didn't ask how you were doing I asked how you were feeling you idiot." I said causing her to laugh again.

"Well in that case I guess the answer would be shit."

"I guess so." I said laughing.

"Where is everyone?" She asked.

"Jacks parents went get some food. Jacks sisters went out in the waiting room to talk to everyone along with Jack. And I stayed here to wait for you to wake up so we could start bringing people back to see you and your children."

"Oh ok well I guess they can come back now."

"Ok I'll tell Jack." I said walking out.

After about two hours everyone had seen Gwen and the babies and left. The only ones left that night was me, Cameron, Jack and Johnson. Gwen was on her phone just like everyone else but then her face totally changed in like two seconds. Then I realized her phone was going off.

"Are you going to answer that?" I asked.

"It's my mom." Gwen spoke.

"Hello?" She asked clearly uneasy.


"Hello?" I spoke.

"So when were you going to tell your family about your news."

"I'm sorry what?" I asked confused.

"You are pregnant Gwen."

"Mom I can't talk about this right now I am too tired."

"What could you possibly be tired from?"

"Mom I was just in labor yesterday."

"Oh when were you going to tell your family huh?"

"Well first I really don't consider you guys family anymore and second I don't think I was ever going to tell you."


"Maybe because I don't think any of you give a fuck about me."

"Language young lady."

"Ok mommy." I said like a three year old.

"I want you to come home."

"How about no."

"Gwen Marie..."

"I will not come home because I already am."

"Well I really don't care what you say because you are coming to your real home."

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