
21 1 0

July 7th
I am sitting in the hospital with Rosalee and she looks horrible. I was crying because she was just so unresponsive and I was alone. Taylor walked in a few minutes later and he was yelling about how it was all his fault. Jack finally came with the twins which were both crying. Jo came with Cameron and was trying to keep Taylor calm as soon everyone was basically there. The doctors started doing tests so all of us had to stay in the waiting room.

After two hours of waiting I decided it would be best if I took the twins home because the doctors said it would take a bit longer. Jack stayed just so he could tell me everything that was going on. When I got home I feed the twins and then tried to get some sleep. Fifteen minutes later I wake up to the sound of a little baby crying and it was my little girl Avery. I held her in my arms when my phone started going off so with Avery in my hands I did a light jog to get my phone.


"Hey babe Rosalee woke up." I heard Jack speak into the phone.

"Oh thank the lord."

"I'll be home in a bit."

"Can you please just come home now? I'm really fucking tired and the twins won't stop crying." I spoke hearing Mason cry.

"Yea I'll be home."

"Jack I'm not kidding I'm only one person."

"I know I'm pulling up now."

"Ok bye."

"Love you."

"Love you too."

Jack walked in two minutes later and rescued me from two screaming crying children. Laura and Molly came over too even thought it was only like four thirty in the morning. I laid down on the couch and soon fell asleep rather quickly.

July 21st
Rosalee is so much better she just got very dehydrated and passed out from a major headache. After all the stuff with her and Taylor she went back home for a while and she said she will be back in like a month or so. No one really knows what is going on between her and Taylor right no but I'm meeting with her in like a month when she gets back to Cali.

Today Jo, Cameron, Jack, the twins, and I are going back to Philly to stay at Jo's grandma's house because Cameron is having a meet up there. We leave in about four hours for the airport but until then I'm packing.

"Hey!" Jo yelled running into the house.

"Hey Jo! Can you check on the twins?" I asked hearing one of them cry.

"What do I look like your maid?" She asked.

"Please?" I begged.

"Fine I'll check on the little brats." Jo said laughing.

"Thank you!"

"I'm so excited!" Cam yelled sitting down on the couch.

"Me too but I hope I don't run into any of my family because that would be awkward as fuck." I said laughing.

"True but I'm really excited because I'm meeting like all of Jo's family." Cam added.

"Haven't you met them before when we went to Philly the last time."

"No I only met like her mom and dad but now I'm going to met like everyone."

"Oh good luck with that." I said laughing.

"I can't wait for the met up too."

"I bet it will be fun." I said packing the final suit case.


We are at the airport and we are still waiting. The twins are asleep thankfully and Jack and I are laying across the chairs together. Jo and Cameron were chasing each other around like two year olds until we heard the people come over the intercom signaling that we had to get on the flight. The twins cried just a little bit on the plane but between the four of us we managed to keep them quiet and content. When we finally got to Philly Jo and I got a rental car and waited for Cameron and Jack to bring us our bags in the airport parking lot. It was like 1 am when we got there so when we pulled up to Jo's grandparents house we were surprised to here some people yell 'surprise' when we walked in. It was just her grandparents but it was still so cute. We got settled in our rooms and then met up down in the kitchen to talk. The twins finally went to sleep so Jack and I got to go downstairs too.

"So how is everything?" Jo's grandma asked.

"Good I'm happy to be back." Jo said looking around.

"I'm glad to have you and Gwen back. I haven't seen you guys in forever." Her pop added.

"Gwen how are things with being a mom?" Her grandmom asked me.

"It's defiantly tough being eighteen and being a mom but I'm adjusting to the lifestyle."

"Jack how are you with everything?" Her grandma asked him.

"I'm ok. It's defiantly tough being 'internet famous' and having a job and being eighteen but I'm doing my best."

"You two seem so happy together." Her grandma said.

"We are ." Jack said looking at me.

"So when are you guys going to get married?" Her grandma asked.

"I'm not...." I started.

"Not you guys I was talking to Jo and Cameron." Her grandma said laughing.

"Oh sorry." I said laughing.

"Grandma I'm not talking about this." Jo said standing up and walking away.

"I'll go talk to her." Cam said running after her.

"It's a very touchy topic." I continued for Jo.

"Are they going to get married though?" Her grandma asked.

"Well I'm not sure they are even thinking about that right now considering Jo is only about to turn nineteen and Cameron is only twenty."

"I hope they do."

"Well you know Jo...she was never the commitment kinda girl." I said trying to lighten the mood.

"Well that would be a shame because I can tell that Cameron wants to...he really cares about her." Her grandma continued.

"Yea but they have time." I stated.

"I know but I want some great-grandchildren!" She said laughing.

"Well you might only get a dog or two out of Jo but I don't think you will be getting any babies." I said laughing.

"Oh I know that for sure." Her pop chimed in.

Jo and Cameron didn't come back but I texted Cam and he said they were talking and after a while she fell asleep. It was close to three or four am when Jack and I along with Jo's grandparents headed off to bed. I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings.


Ok so there is the update I hope you guys like it! I love you all my little turdlings!!!!please vote!

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