Meet up (p.2)

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July 22nd
The second half of the meet up started with us playing a game. I was zoning out and didn't remember what game we were playing until I heard my name being called.

"Gwen...truth or dare?" A fan asked me.

"Uh dare!" I said excitingly.

"I dare you to...go on Twitter and tweet an indirect to Madison...oh I got it! Say it must suck to get thrown out of a meet up with the laughing emojis!" The fan said laughing.

"Ok why not right?" I said going on my phone.

After a couple of minutes I saw Madison tweeted.

"Hey guys check this out!" I said laughing. "Madison tweeted 'it must suck dating a cheater'...should I tweet something else?" I questioned with a smirk.

All the fans cheered a roaring 'yes!'.

"Ok so what should I tweet?" I asked.

I got a text right after that.

Jack💘👅 : babe it might not be the best idea to continue this...
Me: it's all fun and games I'm not doing any harm
Jack💘👅 : ok I just don't want to start anything baby😘
Me: I know💕

"I just tweeted you guys should go look at it!" I said laughing.

"Hahaha that's a good one!" Matt said laughing.

"It wasn't that funny Matt." I said laughing.

"Let me read it out." Matt said dying. "It must suck only being the booty call👏🏼" Matt said almost falling off of his chair.

Madison kept sending indirects to me but I just let it go because honestly she wasn't worth it.

After the whole meet up was over there was a party being thrown at this place that Jo rented. It was so cool and so much fun we were all dancing and partying it was great. All of the guys were there and so was Mahogany. It felt great to party and be free for once because I was constantly trapped with the twins but in a way I felt bad because I wasn't there caring for them. I didn't want people to think I was a bad mom.

Soon the night ended and we were all heading home. When we got there I heard one of the twins crying so I went to go help. It was Mason he's such a cry baby. I was rocking him back and forth until he finally fell back to sleep. Jack had Avery but he was falling asleep with her in his arms so Jo grabbed her from Jack's arms.

"I better get to bed...will you help me put them down?" I asked Jo.

"Can we talk first?" Jo asked.

"Sure lets put them in the double stroller so I can just rock them." I said grabbing the stroller. "So what's up?" I asked.

"I feel like I'm getting cold feet." Jo started.

"About what?" I asked.

"Well I feel like Cameron is going to propose soon and I am feeling a ton of pressure to say yes."

"So you don't want to get married?"

"I'm only turning nineteen. I mean it would be different if you and Jack got married because you guys have two kids together. I mean Cam and I have a dog together but that's not as big as one kid let alone two." She said laughing.

"Do you want me to talk to him?" I questioned.

"It would probably help but I don't want him to think I don't trust him." She said concerned.

"Don't worry I'll just start talking about something random and then ease into the topic." I said reassuringly.

"You need help putting them to bed?" She asked getting up.

"No just send Jack down." I said taking Avery out of the stroller.

"Okay." She said walking up the steps.

I was waiting awhile before Jack finally came down.

"Hey babe you need some help?" He asked picking Mason up.

"Where were you? I've been waiting." I questioned annoyed.

"Sorry baby I was folding some of our laundry and then I had to go to the bathroom."

"Ok whatever lets just get them to bed." I said walking upstairs.

July 23rd
"GET UP!!!" I heard Jo yelling.

"Jo what the fuck?!" I yelled.

"We are going to miss our flight back home!!" She yelled.

"Shit." I mumbled before jumping out of bed.

Jack followed me and put the stuff in the car with Cameron while Jo and I grabbed the twins. We reached the airport just in time. It was a smooth ride home because we had a private flight which obviously meant we were the only ones on the plane. We landed in LA pretty late in the day but we went home settled everything then went to bed. What I didn't realize all the drama I was going to get blasted with the next morning.


Hey guys so I know this chapter is complete shit. And I am so sorry for that but I felt like I had to put something out so there ya go, again I am so sorry.

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