•Black out•

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October 20th
I blacked out. I stressed myself out. I had a panic attack. The panic attack caused me to cry. The crying caused a headache. The headache made me feel sick. The sickness caused me to black out. I woke up in a hospital room. It made me have a flashback to when I was in the hospital months ago. I was scared and alone. I had a mask on my face which I assumed was helping me to breathe. I could hear the machine that I was hooked up to, beeping at a steady pace but it was loud. The lights were dimmed which didn't bother my eyes to much. I heard a noise come from the door. I turned my head to see Jack. He didn't say anything. Just sat down and kissed my forehead. I looked at him and I could see that he had been crying. I was wondering how long I had blacked out for but I didn't say anything. My body felt weak and cold. I was reaching for a blanket when he grabbed it for me and covered me. I leaned my head back and closed my eyes for what felt like 10 years but it was only about 10 seconds. It was silent for about 20 minutes before he spoke up.

"You fell." He said looking at me."You hit your head when you fell. Causing you to black out. I ran to your side of the car and tried to help you up but you didn't say anything. Your body was so cold and it scared me when you didn't respond. I called an ambulance right away as they pulled up I realized you weren't breathing. They took you from me causing me to panic. I ran into the ambulance but the tried to push me out. I told them that I wasn't going to leave you so they finally let me stay with you. I got here and they took you away from me again. I called my parents and Jo and some of the guys. I couldn't stop crying because they told me I was going to lose you again. Hearing those words made me lose it. I ran out the door and just drove around by myself. When I came back they finally let me see you. You have only been out for about 2 days but they want to keep you longer." He said holding his head in his hands.

"Jack...I'm ok now, please don't cry."

"I'm not crying because I'm upset I'm crying because you are alive and they told me that you wouldn't live."

"I know but seeing you cry is upsetting. Weather you are happy or upset it makes me sad."

"Some people want to see you."

"Like who?"

"Jo, Sammy, Cameron, skate, my family."

"They can come back preferably one at a time."

"Ok I'll go get Jo."

"Thanks Jack. I love you."

"I love you more." He said finally smiling.

Jo came back and we talked for about a half hour before she decided that she should let some of other people get a chance to see me. Sammy was coming back next.

"Hey you are alive!" He said running to give me a hug.

"I am indeed Samuel!" I said laughing.

"You got a nice shiner on you eye what happened?" I asked pointing to the bruise on his left eye.

"Cameron and I got into a fight...again."

"What happened?" I asked frantically.

"He hooked up with Jo."

"Oh Sam I'm so sorry."

"It's ok I'm over it now."

"Are they back together? Are you two still together? Jo didn't tell me anything."

"Jo and I are taking a break but I don't know about her and Cameron."

"Oh ok I'll talk to he about that later."

"Ok so how are you feeling?"

"Weak and it's hard to breathe. Especially with this freakin mask."

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