❤️New Love❤️

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About 15 minutes later Taylor came through the door carrying some food. The boys are rather quickly while I took my time and only ate a little bit. After we were done eating Taylor really wanted to talk.

"So can you help me?"

"You have to tell me what's going on so I can help you." I said laughing.

"Ok so I met this girl about a year ago through Twitter and I think I might be in love with her. We face time almost every night and text everyday non stop. I've met her in person a couple times when I visited her while on tour. But now she is coming to stay out in LA for a while and I don't know what to do."

"What is her name?"

"Rosalee. She is gorgeous. Long black hair, she is really short but it's so adorable, her smile lights up my day, and her eyes I could just look at them all day."

"Seems like your love struck!"

"Yea I am. She gets here in two days tell me what to do."

"Well you should be friends with her and hang out everyday and just be super cute with her and if something happens let it. She seems like a really nice girl."

"She is. She is so funny and so nice. I just...love her."

"Well you should hang out for like a week and make her happy everyday like usually then ask her out on a date. A fancy date. Dress up and look really nice. Ill help you pick out everything if you want."

"That would be great thanks. I really need a girls opinion. And will you hang out with her too?"

"Of course I will I just hope I am feeling better but I'll chill with her."


"Yea it's not a problem!"


I was really excited to see Rosalee this week and she would be staying in my guest room at my house for a while and I couldn't wait. I'm so excited to get to see the love of my life all day everyday. I can't wait to show her off and hopefully call her mine. I haven't seen her in about two months. I missed her so much I decided to text her.

Me: hey beautiful☺️
Rosalee😽:hey tay imy😞
Me: I miss you too baby😔but I will see you really super soon😚💋
Rosalee😽: I know my plane will arrive at 9 will you come pick me up😊
Me: of course babe😚
Rosalee😽: I'm gonna go take a nap I'm really tired from packing😴
Me: ok text me later cutie😘
Rosalee😽: okayy😚💋


I really like Taylor but I have a feing that he doesn't like me. One I'm a fan a huge one not like a crazy screaming crying fan but I just love him. They way he cares about his fans the way he cares for his family and the other guys he's just special. I was hoping we could have a little bit of alone time so I could tell him how I feel but he told me that there are two other girls that I can hang with while he does some tour things.

October 26th
Taylor spent the next couple of days getting his house ready for Rosalee and I helped him. He made the dinner reservations and got a suit and even bought Rosalee a new dress and it's absolutely stunning. I have been running around getting all these things for Taylor so I'm pretty tired. I haven't seen Jack the past two days which felt kinda good to get away from not only him but everyone. I had to go pick up some flowers for Rosalee from Taylor. I got to the flower shop when I got a call from Johnson.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hey what are you doing?" He asked.

"I'm picking up some flowers for Rosalee for Taylor why what's up?"

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