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*Jo's POV*

So later that night I decied to go home to hang with Gwen and also Cam and Nash wanted some bro time so I Ieft.


"So Nash." I said sitting up.

"What's up?" He looked confused.

"So what's going with you and Kaz? You guys friends or more than friends?" I said.

"Honestly I wish we more than friends. She's so beautiful and she makes me so happy. We always hang out but I've never had the courage to just ask her out. We have been friends for so long and I feel like if we go out and something goes wrong I wouldn't be able to live with myself. I don't want to hurt her." Nash said honestly.

"Dude I would go for it. You won't hurt her you obviously love her and would never hurt her, just take it slow and don't announce it to the fans right away just keep it lowkey and chill. Be nice like always and ask her. Just be yourself because if all else fails she already loves you as a best friend. Either way you either gain a closer friend or a girlfriend, its a win win."

"Ok you know what I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna ask Kaz to be my girlfriend." Nash said nearly jumpping out of his seat.


When I got back to the house barely any lights were on. I walked in because I thought that Gwen might be asleep. I walked into the kitchen being very hungry and found a note on the counter that read:

Jack and I went out for the night. I figured you would be hunrgy when you got home so I went out and bought you some taco bell it should be in the fridge so you can heat it up. I hopefully won't be home late but if I do come in late don't stay up for me! Oh and Jack and I are dating its offical spread the word! Love you! Don't break anything!

Gwen was always worrying and is constantly taking care of me which is perfectly fine with me because I get lazy.

"I guess its just me tonight." I mumbled not to excited about it.

I put on the show real world and ate my tacos they were very good which made me happy. I soon fell asleep on the couch.


I came in with Jack around 2 AM and I heard the TV on so I thought Jo was up. I leaned over the couch to find the remote and I felt someone on the couch but they were laying down so I didn't notice them at first. I soon realized it was Jo and tried to wake her but it didn't work so I had Jack carry her upstairs to her room. I cleaned up the taco wrappers and put the blanket back so basically I was cleaning for a good 20 mins. Then I heard Jack walking back down the stairs.

"Do you know how hard that was to get her off of me she wouldn't let go I basically had to throw her and run."

"Haha she was knocked out." I said laughing.

"Your turn princess." He said going to pick me up.

I turned the lights off and then walked back towards him. He put his hands on my waist and moved down towards my butt. I jumped a bit and he picked me up. While we were going upstairs our eyes never looked away from each other. When we got upstairs Jack put me down and went into the bathroom. he came out in just his shorts, and socks. He threw his shoes in my closet and came towards me. I was trying to pick out what to wear to bed.

"Jack what should I wear to bed I want something really comfortable but very warm."

"You could wear this." he said as i turned around.

It was his red and black flannel shirt. I agreed to wear it. I went into the bathroom and changed. When I came out Jack looked up immediatly.

"Wow I think that looks better on you then on me." he said getting up to come near me.

He came over and just held me in his arms. He then grabbed my hand and lead me to the bed. we both laid down. My hair was in a sloppy bun and I was so tired I didn't care what I looked like. I was having a very hard time sleeping but I didn't know why.

"Jack. Are you still up?"

"Yea you know I don't sleep until you do." He said giggling.

"I can't sleep." I said sitting up.

"Here let me help you with that."

He then took out my bun and threw my hair tie to the ground. He brushed the hair out of my face so he could look into my eyes he leaned in and kissed me. Then he put his arm around me and pulled me closer with his left hand he played with my hair and with his right hand he rubbed my thigh. I then drew imaginary shapes on Jacks stomach and soon sleep quickly took over me.


Thats all for tonight I think lol! Love you all!!!!!!!! please keep voting and reading goodnight all of you amazing people!!!!!!!!

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