Meet up (P.1)

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(A/n) omg ewwwww I haven't updated in like years and I hate myself entirely for that lol but anyways I have kinda had an idea for a chapter finally so yea here it goes I know it's probably sucks ass but I'm trying here. But I'm also considering quitting this story and just focusing on my other stories but I have been working on a new story for a while now but I haven't posted anything yet but we will see!

July 22nd
Jack and I headed back to Jo's grandparents house to get ready because it was almost time to leave. When we arrived Jack and I played with the twins for a while before Cam and Jo finally came home.

"Hey you guys ready?" Jo yelled.

"Uh yea I think so." I yelled back.

"Ok let's go." Cam yelled.

"Coming!" Jack yelled back.

We got to the venue and there were so many fans there already so we had to literally run through them. When we got in we were given name tags and microphones to answer questions and all that good stuff. Jack and I were set up at a booth because the meet and greet was up first but all the fans meet Cameron and Jo last so they could have more time with them since it was Cam's meet up. So all I see there so far was Nash, Hayes, Chad (Nash and Hayes's dad), Carter & Maggie, Taylor, Matt, and Shawn. An interviewer approached Jack and I to ask some questions before the meet and greet.

"Hey guys this is Angie from Angie Weekly and I'm here with Jack Gilinksy and his girlfriend Gwen Hernandez. How are you both today?"

"We are very excited to be here!" Jack spoke.

"I'm so proud of not only Jack but Cameron as well he has come so far and I'm so happy I could be apart of this to be here supporting him!" I added.

"How are the twins doing?"

"Their mom can answer that!" Jack said laughing.

"They are definitely a hand full but we are so grateful for them. They are doing so good as well. They are starting to sleep through the night so fingers crossed it stays that way." I quickly said.

"Who are are most excited to see tonight?"

"Shawn!" Jack and I both yelled.

"Haha Shawn for sure because I haven't seen him in so long!" Jack said laughing.

"Shawn for me too because I haven't seen him since he left for tour and him and I are really good friends so I can't wait to give him a big hug!"

"Ok so we have a couple fan questions for Gwen!" Angie started. "Ok so how is it going to be for you to see Madison?"

"Um I will be fine. Madison and I have had plenty of troubles in our friendship if that's what you want to call it but I'm here for Cameron not her. I'm not here to make a big fuss in front of all the fans because that would be in no shape or form fair to Cameron who has worked so hard to get where he is today."

"Do you think you and Madison will ever be friends?" Angie asked hesitantly.

"I'm going to be honest I don't think so I just think it wouldn't work out because of our past together. Now I'm not saying I would never try to be friends with her I'm just saying it would probably not end well."

"Thank you so much for your time and I hope everything goes week for both of your futures!" Angie said wrapping the interview up.

"Thank you!" Jack and I both said in unison.

"You handled that so well babe I'm so proud of you." Jack whispered in my ear.

I didn't even reply I just kissed him. When we broke off I noticed an impatient girl standing in front of us and believe it or not it was Madison Beer.

Don't let me go...Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang