Chapter 32

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*Cassidy's P.O.V*

I sat quietly underneath the tree, cuddled up to Indigo. My face was wiped off several times as I slowly calmed down, my head resting on her chest. "It's okay Cassie, you don't have to cry," Jackson said as he lay next to me, hugging me for support. I sniffled softly as I hid my face.

"I think Cassidy is just still upset over the girl that was mean to her," Indigo stated as she rubbed my back. "I think she'll feel better soon," she told him as lifted me up and held me close. "Poor baby," she murmured softly.

"Cassidy," I heard Lillian say, making me lift my head up as I looked around confused. I smiled softly when I saw her approaching us. I got out of Indigo's hold and ran to Lillian who picked me up and kissed the top of my head. "Hey baby," she cooed at me as she held me close.

"Where's Grana?" I asked as I rested my head on her shoulder, looking around with a small frown on my lips.

"She's still having a talk with that little girl's caregivers," Lillian said as she patted my bottom. "Are you okay baby? I know you were quite upset," she said with a small frown.

"I am still mads that she tried to get me in trouble when I did nothing wrong," I said with a small huff escaping my lips. "I am a good girl so why'd she try to get me in trouble?" I asked with a frown on my lips.

"Cause some people are just mean. Some people like her just like to get others in trouble for the fun of it," she said as she shrugged her shoulders while kissing the top of my head. "Hey baby do you remember what you called me earlier?" she asked.

"No. What'd I call you?" I questioned as I tilted my head slightly out of curiosity. "I didn't calls you anything bad," I said as I frowned slightly.

"You called me mommy," she said, making me look down with a small frown on my lips.

"I sorry," I whispered as I squirmed to get down.

"Why are you sorry baby?" she asked as she sat me down and tilted my head up to look at her.

"Cause you probably don't want to be my caregiver anymore," I said as I fiddled with my fingers while trying to look away.

"Why wouldn't I want to be your caregiver anymore?" she questioned me as she furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"Cause I called you mommy and you probably don't want to be my mommy," I said as my lower lips trembled slightly.

"Why on Earth do you think that?" she asked as she looked down at me with a frown.

"I don't know," I shrugged as I looked away.

"Well you're wrong. I've been trying to be your mommy this whole time. Did you forget that I came to you and wanted to care for you little miss?" she asked as she tapped my nose with her finger. I shrugged as I crinkled my nose up in response. "Silly girl," she cooed as she picked me up.

"So you will be my mommy?" I questioned as I grabbed one of her fingers and looked at her with a puzzled look.

"Yes baby, I am saying that I will be your mommy," she chuckled as she kissed the tip of my nose. I squealed happily as I kissed her cheek, throwing my arms around her neck as I hugged her tightly. "Oh you hug tightly," she said as she hugged me back.

"You're my mommy," I said as I giggled happily while clinging to her. "My mommy," I said as I kissed her cheek repeatedly, making her smile. She pulled me back after a moment and covered my face in kisses.

"Yes, I am your mommy silly girl," she cooed as she acted like she was going to drop me before lifting me back up and kissing the tip of my nose. I giggled as I clung to her, clutching her shirt with a smile. "Do you know what this means?" she asked.

"No. What's it mean?" I asked as I looked at her confused while tilting my head in confusion.

"It means that you little miss, now have a bedtime," she said, making my eyes widen as I shook my head. "Ah, you have to listen to me now, I'm your mommy," she said. I stuck my tongue out as I crossed my arms across my chest dramatically.

"Nu uh," I shook my head with a frown. "You have to listen to me now that you're my mommy," I stated as I put my hand on her head and pushed her away when she tried to kiss my face. "I'm the boss," I said.

"Oh you're the boss huh?" she asked as she tickled me, making me squeal and squirm. "You sure about that?" she questioned me as she gave me a break.

"Yeah, I am the boss," I said, squealing when she started tickling me again. I pushed away from her and she sat me down. I ran away from her and went straight back to Indigo, sitting down by her.

"Well hello to you again," she chuckled as she wrapped her arm around me and hugged me slightly.

"Protect me from her, she's trying to tickle me," I whined as I hid my face into her shoulder as Lillian approached.

"I'll protect you Cassidy," Jackson said as he hugged me with a small smile.

"Oh I don't think you'll be able to do that," Indigo said as she turned to Jackson. "Because I'm going to get you," she said as she started to tickle him. I ducked underneath her arm and crawled away, squealing when Lillian grabbed me and picked me up.

"Silly girl," Lillian said as she threw me up in the air before she started to tickle me again. "Silly silly girl," she cooed at me as she covered my face in kisses. I squirmed and giggled as I tried to get out of her hold.

"Let me go," I whined as I stuck my tongue out with a soft smile. I hid my face into her shoulder. "You're mean to me mommy," I said with a fake pout on my lips as I buried my into the crook of her neck.

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