Chapter 41

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*Cassidy's P.O.V*

I woke up in the morning with my head aching slightly. I turned over to get more comfortable, yelping when I fell off of the bed. I whined as I rubbed my bottom, sitting on my knees as I looked around the room. I hadn't seen this room before, it was new to me. I stood up after a moment and went to the door, opening it slightly.

I sighed in relief as I recognized the hallway. I stepped out of the room, huffing when I stumbled over Rosabella who was laying in front of my door. She stood up with a soft grumble, walking down the hallway and acting like I had just kicked her with the look she had on her face. I followed after her since apparently this dog had a better sense of direction then I did.

I found Lillian in the living room as well as Mrs. Lee. I hadn't expected her to be here nor had I expected her to be here early. I glanced at the clock on the wall and realized she wasn't here early. I had just woken up late since it was 10 o'clock in the morning. I leaned over the couch to look at the both of them curiously.

"Good morning Cassidy, how are you feeling?" Mrs. Lee asked as she tucked a strand of her hair out of her face.

"I'm okay, kind of still surprised," I muttered as I looked at the floor the entire time I spoke. I didn't feel like looking at anyone at the moment, I kind of wanted to go back to sleep and pretend everything was okay.

"Hmm well that's to be expected," Mrs. Lee said as I nodded my head. I looked at Lillian after a moment.

"Can I get something to eat?" I asked quietly as I looked at her for approval.

"Of course, you don't have to ask," Lillian reassured me. "There's donuts on the counter if you want one," she said as I headed to the kitchen. I perked up hearing that while hurrying into the kitchen. I found a thing of donuts on the counter and grabbed a chocolate donut before heading back to the living room.

"Cassidy, I've been meaning to speak with you," Mrs. Lee said as I bit into my donut. I frowned slightly, that didn't sound good. "Silvia is back in the country and she wishes to see you," she stated. I shook my head, a small frown on my lips as I looked at her.

"She can go back to Italy," I stated simply as I turned my head with a small frown on my lips. "I don't want to see her, she left me," I said as I bit my bottom lip.

"And if she shows up at your law firm?" Mrs. Lee asked as she arched an eyebrow with a small frown on her lips. "You can't avoid her forever," she said.

"I don't deal with those things. I let one of the lawyers deal with it since they actually know what they are doing and I don't have a degree yet," I said simply. "So she can wait all she wants but I'm not seeing her," I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Cassidy, you have to tell her how you feel eventually," Mrs. Lee said with a small sigh.

"I don't have to do anything, she's the one who left the country without so much as a goodbye," I retorted as I looked at Lillian for help.

"Your mother and father wouldn't allow her to speak to you," Mrs. Lee said as Lillian approached me. She wrapped an arm around me and rubbed my back soothingly.

"She could have tried, I tried to speak to her but she never responded," I said as I stomped my foot.

"She wanted to but your parents threatened to take her to court over it, they were ruthless," Mrs. Lee said.

"If you don't want to speak with her then you don't have to," Lillian reminded me as she gently rubbed my back gently.

"I'll think about it," I said finally as I turned to Lillian. I suddenly didn't feel like eating, Burma making up my mind for me when she stole my donut and trotted out of the room, her tail wagging happily. "Lilly," I whined as Lillian cooed softly at my pout.

"I'm sorry, she doesn't really listen when I tell her not to steal food from people," Lillian apologized as I sulked. She lifted me up and let me cling to her as I hid my face into her neck. "Poor baby," she hummed as she sat back down, letting me cling to her as I sulked.

"This is quite adorable," Mrs. Lee said as I looked at her with a huff.

"You aren't my friend right now Grana," I said, pushing my head back into Lillian's neck, whining when Lillian cooed over me. "Stop doing that," I huffed as I lifted my head up to glare at Lillian.

"Someone's grumpy," Mommy said as I flopped back, laying on the couch as I stared at the ceiling. "I'm sorry baby, I won't coo over just how absolutely precious you are my little one," she said as I blushed, trying to hide my face. "Oh darling, I didn't mean to embarrass you," Mommy sighed as she gently patted my leg.

"Well you did, I'm not a baby Mommy," I said as I sat up while looking up at her.

"It's just a nickname darling, I know you are a big girl," Mommy reassured me as she pulled me close. She pressed a kiss to my forehead before allowing me to scoot away.

"I'm gonna go play with the doggies," I said as I scrambled off the couch.

"Don't leave the backyard," Mommy called after me. Who did she think she was telling not to do something? Didn't she know if she said not to do something then I obviously had to do, it was the rules of being regressed. Caregivers give rules and little ones have to break them, it was just the universe's rule after all.

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