Chapter 5

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Lillian smiled down at Cassidy while glancing at the movie. The younger woman had only gotten half way through the movie before falling asleep.

"Poor thing, such a tired baby," she cooed while stroking Cassidy's cheek with her thumb.

Lillian hadn't honestly thought about what she would do if Cassidy had fallen asleep. She had expected the younger woman to be wide awake and excited to see the movie.

Cassidy mumbled softly in her sleep as she turned over. Lillian shushed her and rubbed her back, mumbling soft words of comfort.

Lillian sat there with Cassidy while the movie played in the background. A small smile was on her face as she watched the younger woman.

Cassidy's eyes opened towards the end of the movie. Her eyes were wide and innocent as she let out a small coo. Lillian smiled softly as she gently helped her sit up.

"Were you sleepy?" Lillian asked.

"Mhmm," Cassidy nodded her head as she looked around. Her lower lip started to tremble as she looked around.

"Hey, hey. What's wrong?" Lillian asked concerned as she saw tears fill Cassidy's eyes.

"Paci," Cassidy whined. "Want paci," she said with a frown on her face.

"Okay, okay. Don't be upset, I have a paci for you," Lillian said as she got up and went over to a drawer, pulling it open. "Good thing these are sterilized," she murmured pulling a cap off of one and bringing it to Cassidy.

Cassidy took it from her hand and popped it into her mouth, sucking on it happily. "Tank you," she murmured while settling back down.

"You're welcome darling," Lillian cooed while sitting back down. "Are you little right now darling?" She asked.

"Yeah," Cassidy said as she nodded her head. "Balto!" She squealed happily while pointing to the Tv.

"Yes, that's Balto," Lillian said with a small smile. "You like Balto huh?" She asked.

"Mhmm, he's my favourite," Cassidy said as she bounced up and down with excitement.  Lillian nodded her head as she glanced at the Tv.

"How old are you right now?" Lillian asked. Cassidy shrugged as she laid back down, resting her head on Lillian's knee.

"'m three," Cassidy murmured while grabbing Lillian's hand and playing with her fingers.

"Oh so you're a big girl," Lillian said while pulling Cassidy onto her lap, letting her head rest on her chest.

"Yes," Cassidy said while staring up at Lillian, smiling happily.

"Hmm, are you sure?" Lillian asked.

"Yes," Cassidy said, yawning softly while pouting.

"Are you tired?" Lillian asked.

"Yeah, but I don't wanna walk home," Cassidy murmured.

"I'll walk you home darling," Lillian said.

"Okay," Cassidy said as she reluctantly got up, Lillian standing up and steadying the sleepily swaying girl.

"Alright, you're to tired to walk home," Lillian said as she lifted Cassidy up. Cassidy smiled happily as she clung to Lillian.

"Yay," Cassidy smiled as she sucked on the pacifier she had been given.

Lillian smiled as she balanced Cassidy on her hip. "Sweet girl," she cooed while walking to the door. She grabbed her keys, opening the door and stepping outside.

Lillian shut the door behind her and crossed the yard to the door. She opened the garden gate with ease. She shut it behind her, making sure it was latched into place.

"I'm sleepy," Cassidy murmured while shifting around in Lillian's arms.

"I know sweetheart," Lillian cooed as she walked up to the front door and opened it. A loud barking echoed through the house as Diego ran to the door.

"Shh Diego, I'm tired," Cassidy whined as she pouted at the wolfsky. Diego whimpered as he ducked his head down.

"He didn't know baby," Lillian said as she headed upstairs, assuming Cassidy would have her bedroom upstairs. "What room is yours?" Lillian asked.

"Secon' door on the right," Cassidy said as she rested her head on Lillian's shoulder.

"Alright," Lillian said as she carried Cassidy to the open door, entering the room after turning the light on. "Let's get you into bed," Lillian murmured while carrying Cassidy over to the bed and laying her down.

Lillian pulled the sheets from underneath Cassidy and pulled them to lay over her. "All tucked in," she murmured while kissing Cassidy's forehead.

Cassidy smiled while turning over to get more comfortable. "You read story?" She lisped around her pacifier.

"Do you have any stories here to read?" Lillian asked.

"No," Cassidy shook her head as she pouted. "You bring one?" She asked hopefully.

"No, I didn't," Lillian said. Cassidy whined as she stared at Lillian, her eyes filling with tears. "Hey, hey. I can pull one up on my phone okay?" Lillian offered.

"'kay," Cassidy said as she nodded while Lillian pulled out her phone.  Lillian searched up fairytales and chose Jack and the Beanstalk. She began to read, Cassidy watching her closely with a smile.

Cassidy couldn't belive she was getting a bedtime story, she only got those when she read them to herselves but this time, she had someone reading to her. Someone that even did different voices for each character. 'She'd be a great mommy,' Cassidy thought as she drifted off to sleep.

Lillian watched Cassidy fall asleep, finishing up the story. She leaned down and kissed Cassidy's forehead while putting her phone up. "Goodnight baby," Lillian whispered to Cassidy before going to the door. She turned the light off on her way out. 'One step closer to having my babygirl,' she thought happily.

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