Chapter 31

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*Cassidy's P.O.V*

"I don't know why she would say I pushed her Grana, I didn't push her at all. I've only seen her once and that was on the play structure so I couldn't have pushed her cause other people would have seen," I said. "Besides why would I push her?" I asked.

"I don't know why you would push her, that's why I was confused that she said you did," Mrs. Lee said as she kissed the top of my head. "Can you promise me that you didn't push her Cassidy?" she asked as she leaned back and looked me in the eyes.

"I promise Grana, I promise promise that I didn't push her Grana," I stated as I looked her in the eyes with a serious expression on my face.

"Well alright then," Mrs. Lee said as she smiled slightly. "You can go back to playing then baby," she murmured as she glanced at the girl with a frown.

"She's lying, she did push me," the girl said as she stomped her foot.

"There's no proof that she did push you," Lillian said. "Although I don't know if just Cassidy's word automatically clears her," she said as she glanced at me, making me stare at her with a pout of betrayal.

"Cassidy wouldn't lie about such things. If she had pushed that little girl down she would have owned up to it because she knows lying only increases the punishment that she would have gotten. Besides, she stated that the only time she was around her was on the play structure so if she had pushed her there then everyone would have seen since it's had littles and caregivers around it the entire time," Mrs. Lee stated as she rubbed my back.

"She pushed me after the play structure by the swings," the little girl said, making me glare at her in anger. Why was she trying to get me in trouble so much? I had done nothing to her.

"Liar. I was with Jackson the whole time after I went down the slide. Besides, I didn't even go near the swings after I went down the slide. I went to the sandbox and climbing frame," I said as I stuck my tongue out at her. "So hah stupid," I smirked.

"Don't call names baby," Lillian said, making me look down with a pout.

"But she's trying to get me in trouble even though I didn't do nothing wrong," I whined softly.

"Don't call names," Lillian repeated, making me groan.

"But Mommy she's tryin' to get me troubles and I dids nothing wrong," I started to cry as I looked at the ground. I felt Mrs. Lee pick me up as she kissed the top of my head.

"Hey baby let's go find Jackson huh? That way we can explain to him why you haven't come back to play," she cooed as she carried me towards the climbing frame. I sniffled as I sucked my thumb, tears falling down my face. I rested my head on her chest as I looked around for Jackson with blurry, tear-filled eyes.

"Dat's him," I said as I pointed to Jackson and his mommy who were sitting underneath a tree on a picnic blanket nearby. Mrs. Lee carried me over and I hiccupped softly. Jackson looked up when he heard me and frowned.

"Why is Cassidy crying?" he asked as he got up and came over to check on me. His mommy got up as well and followed him.

"A meanie said that I pushed her but I didn't and she said I did it by the swings but I was with you and I didn't even go by the swings," I cried harder making Mrs. Lee shush me as she rubbed my back.

"Some little girl said that Cassidy pushed her at the swings but she said it was after Cassidy was on the play structure and Cassidy says she was with you the whole time," Mrs. Lee explained.

"Cassidy was with me the whole time," Jackson said as he nodded his head. "Mommy you were watching, wasn't Cassidy with me the whole time?" he asked as he turned his head to look at his mommy.

"That's right, Cassidy was with Jackson the entire time after the play structure and they were nowhere near the swings," she said.

"I figured she was telling the truth but I think it's still upset her quite a lot," Mrs. Lee explained as she bounced me slightly. I clutched onto her tightly, finding the bouncing to be soothing now that I was upset. "I need to go talk to Cassidy's other caregiver and try to find that little girl's caregiver to let them know that she's going around spreading lies. Do you mind if I leave Cassidy with you? I think being around that little girl would just upset her a lot more," she said.

"Yeah you can leave her here. I don't mind watching her for a little bit so that she can calm down," Jackson's mommy said as she gently took me from Mrs. Lee. I sniffled as I continued to suck my thumb while reaching for Mrs. Lee with my free hand. "She'll be right back," she murmured in my ear as she turned around and carried me to the tree and picnic blanket.

"What's your name?" I asked as I sniffled softly, lifting my head up to look her in the eyes. She had deep black hair and dark brown eyes.

"My name Indigo," she said as she rubbed my back. I nodded as I cuddled into her with a soft sigh escaping me. She wiped my tears away as she kissed the top of my head. "Don't cry baby, your caregivers are dealing with that mean girl," she cooed as she sat down with me.

"Yeah, don't cry Cassidy," Jackson said as he sat down next to me and dug into a little bag. "Here," he said as he handed me a cookie which I reached for.

"Ah," Indigo blocked my hand from the cookie. "Do you have any allergies?" she asked, to which I shook my head. "You promise?" she asked, making me nod. "Okay," she said as she let me take the cookie and I nibbled on it.

"Thank you Jackson," I whispered, making him smile happily.

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