Chapter 52

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*Cassidy's P.O.V*

I was up the stairs and in Mommy and Daddy's room before anyone could even call after me. It made my tummy hurt to run that quickly but I had to get away from Silvia. I tried to lock the bedroom door, my hands shaking too much to be of much use. I eventually settled for just sitting in front of the door and using my body to block it from opening.

"Cassie?" Mommy's voice came from right outside the door. She kind of sounds worried which surprises me. I was mad at her though. She had let Silvia come in and I didn't want Silvia anywhere near me.

"Hate you, hate Daddy, hate Grana, hate Silvia," I whisper, just loud enough for her to hear. I heard Mommy suck in a deep breath from the other side of the door as if my words had managed to shock her.

"Cassidy, you have every right to be upset with us," Mommy starts off by saying. "But I don't think that you mean that you hate Daddy and I. I hope you don't at least. Silvia was just worried about you especially when she found out that your brother had hurt you," she says.

"I don't wanna see her. She left me! She promised that she would help me get away from my parents and she just left me," I rant, the words and memories breaking me out of my headspace. I couldn't be regressed right now, it wasn't safe to do so.

"Cassidy..." Lillian starts to say but I keep talking, not wanting to let her try to pacify me with false words.

"I was 8 years old. She promised me that she would take me away from my parents and then quite literally, the next day she left me alone. She left me to have to deal with all this shit," I say as I rest my head against the back of the door. "Why can't you respect that I don't want to see her? Is that so hard? Are you just another person who is going to bulldoze my feelings out of the way because you think you know better?" I ask quietly, staring up at the ceiling.

After a moment, I hear Lillian walk away. What she was going to do, I had no idea. I was kind of scared though. What if she was just walking away to get Silvia? I heard talking downstairs and for a second it sounded like Markus had raised his voice. Like instinct a shiver went through me and I worried that he was going to come upstairs and yell at me.

After a little bit of time had passed, I heard Lillian's heels clicking on the wooden floor as she approached the bedroom. I heard her take a deep breath as if to calm herself or settle her nerves before she spoke.

"Cassidy, you have every right to be upset with Markus and I. We....overstepped. I feel like that's putting it lightly but it's the only word I can think of to describe what we did. Your relationship with Silvia is your own to handle and shouldn't be interfered with. I am very sorry. Markus is as well but he'll tell you that himself soon," Lillian says. That actually surprises me. I had never had anyone who actually put any amount of respect towards my boundaries or apologized when they overstepped.

"So I don't have to see Silvia?" I ask quietly. The hairs on the back of my neck were standing up because this felt like a trap. It felt like at any moment she was just going to barge in here and order me to listen to her.

"No, we sent Silvia home and Amelia. Grana made an error in judgment and since she seemed a little upset, we figured it was best to just have everyone leave," Lillian informs me. "Silvia left you a letter. It's yours to decide what to do with it if you even want to see it. You can tell me to throw it away or tear it up. If you want to keep it though I can set it in the safe until you feel ready to open it," Lillian offers.

"You have a safe?" I ask before I can stop myself. "Of course you do, all rich people do," I mutter rolling my eyes at my stupid question.

"Yes, we have a safe. It's where we keep important documents," Lillian says, sounding just slightly amused. "What would you like for me to do with your letter?" she asks.

"I do not know," I answer after a moment, pursing my lips in thought. One part of me really, really just wanted to ask her to throw it away. The other part pointed out that one day I could want to read it but I wasn't positive on that.

"Can you just put it in your safe?" I ask after a moment, a small frown on my lips.

"Of course darling," Lillian assures me after a moment. "Do you want to come out of the bedroom or would you like for me to leave you alone?" she asks.

"I would like some alone time please," I say after a moment. I really just needed some time to think, some time to process my thoughts. I stood up after a moment, moving over to the bathroom. I shut the door behind me as I turned on the sink water.

I cupped my hands under the cold water, lifting my hands up and splashing water on my face. I scrubbed my face with the cold water, sputtering when I lifted my head up. I had not expected the water to be so cold. I bent down, grabbing a wash rag from under the counter to wipe my face off.

I stood in front of the sink for a little bit looking at myself in the mirror. I took a few deep breaths to calm my nerves as I tried to sort out my thoughts.

'So Silvia came by which is bad. Lillian and Markus respect my boundaries which was good. Still mad at them for letting her come though. Mrs. Lee....I mean Amelia is also not on my good list right now. She knows I don't like Silvia,' I thought to myself.

Silvia had been my babysitter when I was very little. An acquaintance of my parents but besides that fault she had been a rather nice lady. Amelia had also babysat me but she was usually more busy than Silvia. The nicest way to describe Silvia was that she was a trophy wife. She didn't have a job and didn't need one.

I was sort of jealous of that. I mean I hadn't been working as of late so that meant that I would have a lot of paperwork to work on. I was dreading that. Speaking of paperwork, I needed to find my phone. I couldn't remember the last place that I had put it but I should probably check my email instead of just trusting Lillian or Markus to fix my problems for me.

I ran a hand through my hair as I stared into the mirror. I looked, well the nicest way to say it was that I looked horrible. My hair was an absolute mess, I had bags under my eyes, and I had lost some weight. I hadn't had much of an appetite in the hospital.

I left the bathroom, heading out of the bedroom and down the stairs to the living room. Markus was gone which I couldn't say bothered me all that much. I still kind of wished to be alone but also craved company at the same time. I flopped down onto the couch, watching Cookie Monster clips. I wasn't really in the mood to keep watching Cookie Monster but I didn't want to change it either.

"Here Cassie," Lillian says suddenly, leaning over the back of the couch. I froze but she just sat the glass down on the table. It was full of juice and there was also a bottle of water that she put on the table as well.

"Thank you," I say as I glance up at her. She smiles down at me before getting a blanket that had been thrown to lay on the couch at some point. She pulled it up to my waist, covering my legs with it. I only just then remembered that I was wearing a diaper and thought about getting up to go change out of it. I didn't really want to get up though.

"You are welcome Cassidy," she says as she presses a kiss to the side of my head. That was the best she could do since I was laying on my side. I could sense that she really cared about me and even though I was mad at her for letting Silvia come in, I still felt bad that I had said I hated her. That wasn't true, I actually really liked her a lot.

"I don't hate you," I whisper after a moment, just when she was about to leave. She pauses and I can see her nod even though her back is to me.

"I know you don't Cassie. You had every right to be upset with us," Lillian says as she turns off the living room light. I feel the couch dip as she sits down by my feet. I wriggle around to rest my head on her lap, trying to get comfortable. Her hand rests on my head as she hums. My eyes start to flutter shut and I sigh contently.

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