Chapter 16

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*Cassidy's P.O.V*

"Nothing," I denied softly. "I just wasn't expecting to look and see a hand moving towards me. It sort of startled me," I lied as I smiled slightly. It seemed that her hand had startled me so much that I had slipped out of littlespace.

"Nothing startles you. When you were five a rattlesnake bit you and you pulled it off and scolded it," Mrs. Lee said as she frowned slightly.

"I was bold when I was younger, now I'm scared to speak to people over the phone," I said making her sigh and roll her eyes slightly.

"Mhmm sure sweetheart," she said as she reached over slowly and ruffled my hair making me look up and lick her hand. "Cassidy that is disgusting," she said as she pulled her hand back.

"You're disgusting," I replied as I turned on Mrs. Wolf's lap and rested my head on her breasts. She said she would take care of me so I was going to use that to my advantage to get some cuddles and a pillow. Her nails gently scratched my back which made me sigh softly and close my eyes. Even though I had just eaten ice cream, I felt really tired.

"Shh baby, just go to sleep," Mrs. Wolf murmured into my ear making me smile and nod as I hid my face into her breasts. The world faded to black as I stayed cuddled into her with a grin.

*Lillian's P.O.V*

I was surprised that Cassidy was so willing to cuddle into me out of headspace. She seemed to be bothered by something but I couldn't tell by what.

"She lied," Amelia stated making me glance at her.

"What do you mean Amelia?" I questioned.

"She never would have startled that bad if it was just my hand shocking her by moving towards her. She only startles like that when she is well and truly terrified," Amelia said.

"So you think she's lying?" Anne asked as she leaned back in the booth.

"I don't think Annie my dear, I know," Amelia stated with a small smirk on her face. "In case you forgot I practically raised her. I went to every school event, took care of her, and was often more of a parent then her parents were," she sighed.

"I know that but still, why would she lie? What's she trying to hide?" Anne questioned as she looked at Cassidy with a concerned look.

"I don't know but I'm damn well going to find out," Amelia said as she patted Cassidy's skirt pockets and pulled out her keys. She carefully removed the house key from it before putting her keys back.

"Amelia, you can't do that. It's illegal," I whispered.

"What's illegal?" my mother asked making me look up. I hadn't realized she had arrive. She sat down by Anne and introduced herself with a smile on her face. "Oh the little one is asleep, how cute," she cooed at Cassidy.

"Taking Cassidy's house key. I'm worried something may be hidden deeper than I've ever dug before," Amelia stated as she put the key in her purse, tucking it away. "Lillian just keep her distracted, I'll give you the key tonight or tomorrow. It depends on when I see you. I'm going to head over there now," Amelia said. I sighed and got up, cradling Cassidy close as Amelia got up. "I'm gonna find out baby," she murmured kissing her forehead before leaving. I sat back down with a small smile at my mother and Anne.

"She is so precious when she sleeps," my mother stated making me nod.

"Oh I know," Anne said. "She always falls asleep upstairs in my apartment while watching movies," she smiled slightly. 

"She fell asleep watching Balto at my place last night," I stated making her grin. 

"Oh that's wonderful. That's her favorite movie and she loves to convince people that that is the best movie ever made and if you don't watch it when she wants to, you'll get a fit on your hands pretty quickly," Anne stated.

"Yes, she seems to go to fits pretty often as a solution," I chuckled dryly.

"It's not her fault though, the girl doesn't really understand her emotions. She only learned emotions when she was with Amelia and Cassidy could never really pick up what emotion Amelia was feeling. All she learned was that if Amelia was frowning then that probably meant said so she would go give her a hug," Anne said softly.

"Oh. Her parents really weren't there for her not only physically but also emotionally and mentally," I sighed as I ran my fingers through Cassidy's hair making her coo softly out of happiness.

"No, no they were not. They did not deserve to have children. They damaged her beyond repair because I know for a fact she still can't read emotions and doesn't understand them and they fucked up her brother so that he was just as bad as them. There was not a day that went by that that boy wasn't trying to hurt her when she was little," Anne said as she gritted her teeth. "And I wanted to smack him upside the head so hard but I didn't cause he was a child and his parents would throw a fit if their precious golden child got hurt. Now a days he's in and out of prison," she stated while rubbing the bridge of her nose, sounding stressed.

"They sound like they failed at doing the one thing a parent needs to do. Be there for their child," my mother said with a frown as she looked at Cassidy.

"So you failed that too?" I asked making her glare at me.

"I only went on business trips when you were a teenager, you always had a nanny when I was gone and I spent days after my trips with you," she stated as she shifted her seat for a second before raising her hand. I realized she had taken her shoe off and was glaring at me. "So want to say I failed again?" she asked. I shook my head making her put her shoe back on. 

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