Chapter 62

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*Cassidy's P.O.V*

I sat on the edge of the counter, watching Grana make the cookie dough. I had helped her at the beginning but now I was just watching her do it, sneaking some of it into my mouth when she wasn't looking. I was currently trying to eat a big piece that I had snuck while also not letting Grana know that I had it.

"Cassidy," Grana says and I pause in my chewing, looking at her with wide eyes when she glances at me. She doesn't say anything so maybe she doesn't notice. I am very sneaky, of course she wouldn't notice. I'm not some baby who has to worry about getting caught.

"Can you butter the cookie pan?" Grana asks and I nod, hopping off the counter. I walk past her squeaking when she swats my bottom. It doesn't hurt or anything cause I'm wearing a diaper, I was just in shock that she would do that.

"What was that for?" I ask, having swallowed my cookie dough quickly so that I could speak.

"Stay out of the cookie dough, it's not good for you to eat," Grana scolds and I pout. I had been so sneaky, how on earth did she know that I had been eating cookie dough? Did she know magic?

"Meanie," I mutter as I grab the stick of butter, unwrapping it slightly before I start to butter the pan.

"Yes I am so mean for not wanting you to get sick," Grana scoffs. "Your Mommy wouldn't be happy if I let you keep eating raw cookie dough," she states and I sulk, knowing that she is right about that.

"Still a butthead, you didn't have to spank me," I say under my breath, purposefully being loud enough so that she can hear me.

"I barely swatted you Cassidy Marie Lance," Grana says, saying my full name. I look at her as I frown, sticking my tongue out.

"Whatever Amelia, whatever your middle name is, Lee," I retort, giggling when she looks at me. I side step away from her, still buttering the pan. If I just avoid her then she can't get onto me for saying her full name.

"Lillian has spoiled you," Grana states, making me nod my head after a moment. That was true, Mommy did like to spoil me a lot. I was her princess, she had to spoil me since it was in the rules of being a good mommy.

"Can't punish me cause I still have an injury," I say as I sit the pan and butter down on the counter, lifting my nightgown up to show off my scar before dropping my nightgown back down. I am still healing but it doesn't really hurt now. It's mostly okay most days which is a good thing.

"Oh really? I certainly think you can still stand in the corner just fine," Grana comments as she steals the pan from where I sat it, starting to scoop out cookie dough on it.

"No, it makes my belly hurt," I say as I sneak over, trying to steal some more cookie dough before she can notice. She gives me a dirty look when I do it but since her hands are full with an ice cream scoop and the bowl of cookie dough, I am safe to steal some with my finger.

"You little miss are asking to get in trouble," Grana informs me. I wrinkle my nose up at her words, shaking my head slightly. I did not want to be in trouble, I think to myself as I stick my finger into my mouth, eating the cookie dough off of it.

"I never ever ever ever ask for trouble," I inform her as I smile slightly, putting my hands behind my back as I smile innocently.

"I am almost positive that trouble is your middle name," Grana says as she puts the cookie pan into the oven.

"Is not, my middle name is Marie," I huff as I put my hands on my hips. "You should know that, you say it a lot," I inform her as I roll my eyes.

"I know. Maybe I wouldn't have to if you weren't so much trouble," Grana teases as she puts the bowl in the sink. There is still a little bit of cookie dough in it and I am tempted to try and get it but she turns the water on to fill the bowl which ruins my plans.

"I was going to eat that Grana," I whine, stomping my foot.

"Oh, were you now? After I've already gotten onto you for eating raw cookie dough you were going to do it again?" Grana asks in a voice that I know means trouble so I do that smart thing and spin around, running into the living room. I throw myself onto the couch, closing my eyes as I pretend to sleep.

"I asleep," I murmur when I feel Grana's shadow fall over me. I bury my face into the couch pillow, pretending to snore.

"Oh well if Cassie is asleep then I guess I get all the cookies to myself," Grana says, making me sit up immediately.

"No," I say as I frown at her, cursing silently when I see that she has tricked me. The smile on her lips told me that I had fallen for the oldest trick in the book and I was now mad at myself for doing that.

"You cheat," I inform her.

"It is not cheating darling, it is called using whatever it takes to win," Grana says.

"That is the same thing," I huff as I cross my arms, scooting away from her when she sits on the couch.

"No, you can't cheat when there are no rules," Grana informs me.

For some reason her words stick with me even long after we eat the cookies and she goes to bed. I pretend to go to bed but I just lay there, thinking about what she said. "Not cheating if there are no rules," I muse to myself in a whisper, nibbling on a cookie that I had snuck into bed.

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