CHAPTER 30 - The Heart Never Forgets

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Ah yes, Author-chan is back but I'm still sick. I got my phone back so writing chapters it is! This is probably the last chapter so it'll be longer than usual! Thankyou Lemon-chan for filling up in my absence!


"Captain" you greeted with a salute. Fuegoleon looked at your figure, disappointed at himself that he forgot one of his best knights as what the other captains had told him.

"(Y/n), correct?" He asked while Leopold looked at the both of you with a funny face, obviously confused at your interactions. The boy immediately thought that you've done something so he left the two of you to do work.

"That's correct. Shall we go?" You offered and looked at the map you've gotten. It seems like a far away journey and since the volcanic lands hasn't been explored much, it would probably take you three days to accomplish this.

"Would you prefer if I would teleport us there with my magic?" You asked your captain who was silent. This was awkward but something about him feels warm and cozy but that's probably just because of his magic type.

"I prefer if we travel the traditional way. It would most likely drain your mana in such an early stage of the mission" he commented as you nodded.

The journey to the volcanic lands were silent, nobody dared to talk. Perhaps there was nothing to talk about or maybe your captain was just a person who doesn't mess around on missions.

"A flower, huh?" You whispered to yourself. Fuegoleon heard you say those words and wondered for himself.

"Have you heard of this flower before?" He sparked up a conversation which made you a little baffled.

"I have although I thought it was just a kid's story. This flower was said to grow every millennium" you informed him as he wanted to hear more.

"There was a legend about it. It's about a woman who possesses great flame magic although she couldn't seems to spark a strong fire as her mother says" you continued.

"Until one day she met a man who would ironically light her world up. The deeper she loved the man, the brighter her flames are" you smiled at the story as Fuegoleon only observed you.

"But that led to her downfall" you pouted.

"She was like a candle, the brighter her flames are, the shorter her life becomes. She took a potion of everlasting life and drank it. She became as bright as the sun to the point the sun Goddess took her away" you said.

"From the woman's sunlight and the man's tears, a flower blossomed that will forever be a symbol of their love which makes every flame stronger" you finished as he admired your words.

"That's a tragic story, a love with no happy endings" he commented.

"But I think there was another purpose why the flower bloomed" you said.

"Oh? What purpose is that?" He asked, clearly intrigued.

"The flower increases flame magic and perhaps the woman wanted her lover to take this flower and use it for himself to become as bright as the sun so that the Sun Goddess would also take him and finally reunite" you explained.

"It's a selfish ideal, isn't it?" He asked.

"It is, but because the man didn't take this opportunity, they never got reunited" you said as Fuegoleon saw your point.


"The flames and magma here aren't ordinary, as I thought" you muttered aloud. Fuegoleon seemed to notice your distress and went near you to cast a fire barrier. You looked at your captain but didn't say a word until you noticed one thing.

𝑾𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝑺𝒑𝒆𝒂𝒌𝒔 {Fuegoleon x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now