CHAPTER 5 - Mistake in Disguise

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After weeks of being the commander, you've already shown your intellect with missions. You've gained the trust and admiration of the Crimson Lions.

You're sure that Fuegoleon is proud of you aswell. You just came back from leading a mission and to be honest, you're all around. You go to tend on missions and also tend to your designated master, Fuegoleon-sama.

You knocked at the door in your own personal pattern so that Fuegoleon would know that you're back. You went in the door and was greeted by a stack of paperwork. You giggled silently at the new Captain, Fuegoleon was really new to these paperwork.

"Do you want me to help?" You peeked your head from all the paperwork and he read your writings. He sighed in relief and replied, "I would greatly appreciate it" .

"Alright then, Fuegoleon-sama" you bowed and immediately tend to the paperwork. You took the mission part of the papers and arranged them according to the performances of the Crimson Lions.

"Is it plausible to put that certain person to that mission? She did poorly on the her recent mission?" Fuegoleon asked as you smiled and nodded. You wrote on your notebook and showed it to him.

"She focuses on support magic but I can see her bigger power that she was hesitating to try out. If she went on this mission, she'll naturally be able to use this hidden magic of hers" you told him.

"She can't stay weak, it's easier to make others bloom earlier than later where everything will be more... destructive" you jotted down as the captain only trusted in your choice.

"Very well. I trust your judgement" he said and you nodded. You went back to work and you did this in a hasty speed. Fuegoleon was amazed at your capabilities, it was ashame that you can't lead your own clan.

But somehow he was overjoyed at the thought of you leading beside him. You're a great comrade and definitely someone loyal and true even though you've hidden all your sins within you.

"Fuegoleon-sama, would you like these to be delivered aswell?" You jotted down on the same notebook and questioned him. He nodded and stood up as you looked at him, confused.

"I'll help you. I can't let a woman carry all these paperwork, I wouldn't be much of gentleman if I did" he said and you blinked a lot of times.

"And please, drop the honorifics. We've been friend for many years, haven't we?" He asked and you kept your lips on a straight line.

"How bout Fueggy-sama?" You wrote and he sighed but nonetheless, smiled. It was the closest thing he can get from being informal in the least so he'll take it.

"Alright then" he replied and picked up the stack of paperwork.

"Are you sure you want to carry these? You can call other Crimson Lions to carry these for you" you showed him the notebook before you proceeded on carrying a stack.

"I need to stand up walk every now and then so it's alright" he said and smiled courteously at you. You nodded and went to another office to drop these paperwork off.


You both successfully dropped of the paperwork and was now back at Fueggy-sama's office. You furrowed your eyebrows at the look of a knight and an unknown person.

"Captain Fuegoleon- no wait-!" The knight said as he noticed the captain while restraining the unknown man. The man hurried to talk to your captain and bowed in respect.

"Ah Captain Fuegoleon, I've heard that the Crimson Lions have introduced a new role which is the commander!" He said in a business voice.

"Since this is the first in history, I would like to meet this commander of yours and feature them in the newspapers as my boss would say" he said and looked at you.

"My commander is right beside me" Fuegoleon said as the man inspected you.

"Oh" is what he can say.

He circled around you and furrowed his eyebrows, "I expected to see a strong buff knight with a lot of pride..." He said.

"You seem too skinny and thin! And what is with those long bangs?!" He said as you got annoyed with his little choice of words.

"Hmm that's true, she has become quite skinny" Feugoleon confirmed as you looked at him with a face of betrayal.

"Ah! This won't do! If you don't mind, I'll be giving her some proper treatment with the appearance specialist and proceed to file her in the news" the man said as you looked at Fuegoleon with pleading eyes to not let this man get what he wants.

"It would seem like a benefit to her. Although, bring her back early and safely, she has a lot of matters to attend to" your captain agreed and you looked at him with an 'are-you-kidding-me' look.

You get dragged by the man as you saw the apologetic smile of your master. Your eyes twitched at what's happening.

Fuegoleon didn't mean you any harm, he always found you so self deprived. You've never taken care of yourself and surely, he wants you to pamper yourself for once. He waved his hand and proceeded to go to his office.


You were brought into a place with a pretty lady, gently smiling upon you. "Ah, the newspaper writers have caught another one" she said while looking at you.

"I assume you want to make her more appealing to the eye?" She asked the news writer and he nodded.

"I'll be back so I expect her to look dazzling later on" he said and went away. You were left with the woman as she signalled you to take a seat.

"My my~ you have such pretty skin!" She complimented you and moved your long bangs that keeps falling on your face.

"Would you mind if I change your hair?" She asked you which you were thankful at. You didn't feel forced and everything was natural.

"Please, do whatever you want as long as it's not extreme" you showed her the notebook and she nodded, taking in that you must be mute.

She brushed your hair and you're sure that the brush was made by magic. She then grew your bangs with magic as your hair was styled in whatever style suits you the most.

She then noticed your skinny figure and found it too thin so she grabbed your shoulders and exerted some nutrients in you by the use of magic. You've deducted that her magic revolves around beauty and health which was convenient.

Oh how you've become more fresh and appealing. It's as if you've become and eye candy and as if on cue, the news writer came back and nodded at your looks.

Oh what a mistake to make, Fuegoleon

𝑾𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝑺𝒑𝒆𝒂𝒌𝒔 {Fuegoleon x Reader}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz