CHAPTER 27 - The Attack

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GOOD NEWS! Author-chan isn't in a critical condition anymore but she's still not allowed to use her phone like she always does. She told me that she wants to end this book quickly.


You feel odd energy coming from outside but you still persued to guard your Captain. Even without love present, he's still the same admirable Captain the Crimson Lions needed.

'But what if Leo and the others are in a critical condition...?' you though as each day passes by, your voice became dimmer and dimmer.

Your voice was once again, gone.

'I'm sorry, Fuegoleon, I'll get back to you in a minute' you stood up and felt a surging presence taking over you. You resisted and once you've blinked, you were in a white space with another person.

"Who are you?" You spoke confidently.

"I am you but an elf reincarnate. Please, call me Rozziee" she replied and you saw her holding the same sword you had.

"Why are you here? Why now?" You asked her as she sighed.

"It seems like Patri wants revenge but as the wisest elf, I know that we're being played. A human such as Lumiere would never seel us out" she said and your eyes widened at the mention of the First Wizard King.

"What..? Revenge on humans?" You said in a lost tone. She nodded and sat down on your consciousness.

"Yes, indeed. Some humans prove innocence and some needs justice but I don't want to partake the human slaughtering. It's... imorale" she said.

"If we slaughter humans then we'll be repeating everything. We're worse than humans in this case" she finished off.

"I have a great talk with you, please go conscious. I feel that the ace we're in is shaking" she said and snapped her fingers.

You opened your eyes and looked at the mana engulfing the place. You looked at Fuegoleon and hid yourself for now. He woke up and his arms were now replaced with fire.

You smiled in pride from the new found power of your Captain. He went outside and watched the scene enveloping. It looks like your captain had tamed the Salamander Spirit.

He defeated Randall's elf reincarnate in a matter of minutes. "Teleport" you commanded yourself as you appeared before them.

"(Y/n)... got taken over by an elf..." Leo clutched his fists and looked at his brother who was sweating. He knew that anyue won't be able to touch you in such an offensive way.

They'll lose this battle.

"HAHAHAHA! You won't be able to survive on of the most powerful Elves!" An elf mocked them as you stood still.

"Rozziee's Absolute Command will tarnish your souls in the depths of hell! That's where all humans belong!" Another one insulted.

"Restrain all in this area" you said as they all grew in shock.

"Rozziee! What are you doing!?" They asked.

"Please, don't talk" you said.

"If you kill these humans then you'll be worse than them for repeating the same thing even though you know it's wrong" you told them as they looked away in shame and anger.

"Or so... That's what your Rozziee has told me" you said and they looked at you with widened eyes.

"Welcome back Captain Fuegoleon... But I guess Mereoleona's the current captain" you shrugged and informed the man.

He was about to run up to you and embrace you but Leo knew this was coming and stopped him.

"Anyue... You should know..." Leo trailed off at the confused and eager Captain.

"(Y/n) lost her love for you. She did it to save you because of the 'curse' " Leopold told his older brother.

"I knew that was coming" Fuegoleon muttered under his breath. He went up to you as you finished healing the other Crimson Lion Knights.

"I'm sure you've heard" you told the man.

"I have and I wouldn't say that I'm surprised" he replied.

"Ofcourse you're not" you chuckled and it was enough to make Fuegoleon's heart warm. How he wished to embrace you but he knows very well that he has to make you fall inlove with him once again.

"You might not be the current Captain because of Captain Mereoleona but... Tell us your command, Captain" you saluted and so did the others.

"Help as much citizens as you could, don't let your guard down and handle everything as diligent as a lion. I'll go to the Clover Castle" he stated firmly.

The others quickly dispatched into teams as they should as you gripped Fuegoleon's cloth. "Don't push yourself to hard, Captain. You've just recovered" you said, unknown to why you said that.

It seems very natural for you to be concerned over your Captain. Fuegoleon tucked his lips upwards, giving you his gentle smile.

You bit your lip and suppressed a feeling you've felt multiple times. He left and you finally kneeled to the ground, letting out the pain.

You clenched your fists towards your heart and find out what was happening. It's definitely not Hanahaki disease since the Captain loves you and you know it.

Then it clicked.

The Captain loves you, that's what's wrong.

'When I was desperately trying to heal Captain Fuegoleon... I wished for the spell to reverse.." you trailed off.

"It became literal..." You said while forcefully knocking your head.

"If my curse was to kill the man I love then a reverse would be if a man loves me then I'll be killed" you finished off.

"But could I actually make the Captain stop loving me?" You thought aloud. You stood up and gradually began to search for citizens.

"I wish for this curse to end" you said but you felt no mana being used up. You still don't understand your power, sometimes your commands doesn't work and it infuriates you.

"Why...?" your voice asked bitterly.

"I suppose I brought this upon myself" you sighed and took in a deep breath.

You've fallen inlove with someone who's both your safe place and your biggest adventure. Fuegoleon Vermillion, a name forever engraved in your heart no matter what.

But you're frightened.

Frightened that you'll never find your love for him again. Frightened that he would love you to the point of death. Frightened that no matter what, you won't be together.

"Perhaps I should.... leave again? He did fine on his own and even developed greatly along with Leopold" you wandered out loud and surprisingly, a Crimson Lion member heard of it.

𝑾𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝑺𝒑𝒆𝒂𝒌𝒔 {Fuegoleon x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now