CHAPTER 23 - Hidden

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'If this woman obtained the Holy Sword then I should be careful' Rhya thought with a blank expression. He was too lazy to fight you at all. He just wanted to finish this mission quickly.

"No hard feeling, alright?" He said and attacked you consecutively. You blocked with your sword but an attack sent you flying.

You rubbed your back in pain and stood up. You sliced thin air and formed a cross and sent the invisible force towards him. He seemed knowledgeable about your power and you wanted to atleast know more.

"I-it seems l-like you know m-my power" you tried to speak with your now hoarse voice.

"Areee? You can still talk?" He asked and smirked.

"Heal..." you said as your voice box felt better but still sore. You can't use your power as much as you want to since it'll be at your disadvantage in the future.

"After all the trouble I went through" he sighed and attacked you more seriously. You defended with your sword but you can't seem to find an opening.

"You're not half bad as Rozzie afterall" he said and you raised an eyebrow.

'Rozzie must be the previous holder' you thought and got kicked on the sides. You stood up and panted heavily.

You've read from a book that this sword contains 7 arcs and forms. You've not mastered a single one but you've been training a lot.

Now is the time to try it out.

"First arc: Holy Grail" you said as the ground where your foe was standing lit up. Your sword was now connected to that person like it was magnetic.

Your body moved on its own as you ran towards the man. Your swords sliced the corner of his clothing, barely dodging. His senses was dulling and he knew that he can't copy this, he tried before against Rozzie.

"I guess you were able to do one of the arcs. Sorry to cut this short but I'll be taking my leave" he said, retreating. It's better if you don't access your power or get used to it just yet, it'll be a pain if you did.

You decided to find Fuegoleon and thankfully, he was with Leo. He noticed your beaten up and exhausted figure as you held your hand up to signal that you were fine.

"They're not after me or Leo, they're after you Fuegoleon. I advise you to stay alert at all times" you said and limped towards Leo.

"You alright, Leo?" You asked and he looked at you worriedly. "You're the one I should ask that, (Y/n)-chan" he said as you smiled.

"I'm going to be okay" you said and touched his forehead and said the words, "heal". He was now fully healed and you plumped down beside him.

"I suppose we could stay here for the night" Fuegoleon said thinking about the casualties that you might encounter along the way home.

"We'll be doing shifts then" you suggested and Fuegoleon shook his head.

"Me and Leo will. You can't possibly move in that state" he said while you looked down and nodded, knowing he was right.

"I'll take the first shift" The older Vermillion said and Leo nodded. Leopold quickly fell asleep. You envied the little boy, you wanted to sleep to but you somehow can't.

You wanted to feel strength so you've tried to grasp your necklace only to find it gone. You looked for it in all your spare pockets and evident shifting can be heard.

Fuegoleon heard your little noises so he went to check on you. "Why are you still awake?" He asked and you sighed.

"The necklace I bought is already missing" you told the man and he replied, "Don't mind it for now, let's just find it tomorrow" he pointed out.

"No it's alright... I wouldn't want to hinder any of you just for a necklace" you said and he just looked at you. "I see, rest well" Fuegoleon said and continued to go on watch.

"(Y/n)...chan...?" Leopold woke up with tired eyes as you apologized that you accidentally woke him up.

"Go back to sleep, I just lost my necklace. Nothing to worry about" you smiled gently and he nodded. He want back to sleep and soon, you can feel yourself drifting off to sleep too.

Hours later, Fuegoleon woke up the young boy so that they could rotate the shift. He was confused why his brother didn't go inside and continued to roam around the abandoned town.

Fuegoleon returned a few moments later and went inside. He couldn't help but peek at what his older brother was doing. Fuegoleon tucked the hair that was covering your face behind your ear.

He then took out the missing necklace he went out to find and carefully placed it on your neck so that you won't wake up. He then finally relaxed and sat beside you.

You felt something warm beside you so your natural instinct was to get closer to it. Your head then slid into a comfortable position, not knowing that you've placed your head on his shoulders.

He was slightly shaken at your instinctive gesture but he soon relaxed. You somehow made him comfortable with the surroundings so it was easier for him to sleep.

His head subconsciously fell on top of yours and his hands slid around your slightly smaller ones. Leopold was happy at the scene that played before his eyes.

"It's about time, anyue" he said and went back to his shift.


You woke up from the light of day and realized that you were alone. "The other two must be outside" you said and stood up. You felt a heavier feeling on your neck and realized that it was your necklace.

You gently held it and smiled.

"I see that you're awake" Fuegoleon walked in as you stood up. You hummed in response and nodded. He began to walk away, readying himself to travel but you held his hand to stop him.

He looked back at you to see you looking down but your ears gave away your blush. "A-arigatou Fuegoleon" you finally mustered as he felt something in his chest.

"What for?" He asked.

"Ah eh—? Didn't you find the necklace?" You asked in embarrassment. There's no way that you've misinterpreted his mana on your necklace, it was him right?

"I suppose so" he said with a gentle smile as you playfully punched him in the shoulders. "What?" He playfully asked your embarrassed figure.

"B-baka.." you said and he chuckled in amusement.

"You're welcome, kitten" he said and left you. You froze in your spot, remembering that he called you 'kitten' years before. Your heart began to race, the love that you tried to forget was blooming once again.

'Maybe before we weren't suppose to love each other but I still believe that there's a right time for everything, even us. '

'And perhaps, that time is now'

𝑾𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝑺𝒑𝒆𝒂𝒌𝒔 {Fuegoleon x Reader}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora