CHAPTER 26 - I Knew It...

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Lemon-chan here! No there's no lemons here— and author-chan is currently doing bad. She literally haven't talked to us, A.K.A her friends, because of Covid-19


"I'm scared..." You whispered still in bed beside Fuegoleon. The man took your arms and faced your morning look.

"What are you so afraid of?" He asked.

"I'm scared to lose you... This isn't a joke Fuegoleon. I've cursed myself before that the man I will fall inlove with will... face death" you explained in frustration.

"Do you believe in my love?" He said with a strong grip on your hands. You looked at him with fearful eyes and saw the opposite of yours.

"I do believe..." You muttered.

"Then you don't have to worry. My love with always reach you and my pride of a Lion will conquer whatever hindrances may fall upon our love" his determined voice brought you to tears and realized that you shouldn't worry much.

It's Fuegoleon Vermillion you're talking about. He's the proud Captain of the Crimson Lions and he is for sure one of the smartest Captains there is.

"I should get going to my mission. I am a Magic Knight afterall" you uncovered yourself from the sheets and did your routine for the day.

Before you left, you went to find Fuegoleon and kissed him on the forehead. You smiled gently as he mirrored your expression. Moments like these makes you want to stop time but you have to carry on for the day.

But everything will change.


The early morning turned afternoon and you've finished your job quite early. As you towards the Royal Capital, you sense something unusual.

You've fastened your pace and skillfully ran towards the place only to see chaos. Your heart was beating fast, perhaps this is a sign of your cursed love.

Your feet wanted to take you to where your man is but you can't ignore the civilians around you. Your heart couldn't help but serve the citizens of this Kingdom, it's what you've pledged to do.

'Fuegoleon would want me to save the people..' you reassured yourself while saving multiple people at once.

'Fuegoleon, you better be alive when I find you... This enemy... This enemy infiltrated the Royal Capital so they're not someone we could just get rid off in an instant' you thought.

You suddenly sensed a familiar mana around you and noticed it was Leopold's. You quickly ran to Leopold and some members of the Black Bulls.

"Leopold— where's your—" you stopped yourself from talking. As if everything was on slow motion, a spatial magic user opened a hole where Fuegoleon lifelessly fell down.

Your body trembled and your breathing hitched. The Black Bull member, who you noticed was a Royal named Noelle, came to aid Fuegoleon.

You moved and went beside Noelle with shaking hands. "H-heal!" You ordered with your magic but it isn't happening.

"Why...?" You clutched your heart. You knew this was going to happen, you knew yet you let him be. The signs were there, he was targeted from before.

"I wish to reverse the curse!" You cried aloud while Noelle looked at you with a concerned expression. It was no doubt that Fuegoleon fancied you as you also loved him.

"I... This is the only way, isn't it?" You chuckled bitterly and prepared yourself to say words. Noelle looked at you with a puzzled look as you spoke.

"I wish I've never loved you, Fuegoleon" you wished and miracles happened. He was breathing and was more stable than before but Noelle looked at you with a horrified face.

"(Y/n) san...But Captain Fuegoleon was—" Noelle tried to construct her words.

"Was inlove with me? I know that... That's why I know that everything is going to be just fine" you said while feeling light headed.

It strange that your body acted up. You only did one spell but why did it feel like you've done two spells? You shook the thought of and realized that the battle is over.

'Captain Fuegoleon... Already bought a ring' was what Noelle tried to say.


"I'm going to stay by his side so rest assure that he'll be safe" you said to the people around you. Fuegoleon was situated on a bed and he's sure to be left in a coma.

"Alright" they agreed and left him on your care. Leopold stayed and held a saddened expression.

"(Y/n)... You don't love my brother anymore?" He asked, hearing from Noelle.

"I do love him but it's fading... Before it fades I'll make sure that Fuegoleon knows that I love him so I'll stay by his side and protect no matter what" you said while gently brushing Fuegoleon's hair with your fingers.

Leopold was left astounded by the bond you share with his brother. He smiled and got determined to do his best for the sake of both of you.

Leo left and you wrote poems to make time fly by. Each line contains Fuegoleon's features, each stanza held a deep meaning. Your poems is the story of who you both came to be.

"It's unfair isn't it, Fuegoleon?" You started off to wander through your thoughts.

"Just as when you and I confirmed our love for each other... I am now forced to forget this love" you trailed off.

"It doesn't matter if I forget, right? Because I know that you'll be persistent enough to make me fall inlove with you again" you smiled at the thought.

"No matter what the brain thinks, the heart will always speak and once it does, magic will envelope reality" you said while you cupped his cheeks.

You didn't notice that you were crying. If he was here, awake , he'd listen to your woes. And just like that, days had passed by and your love gradually sunk in the deepest waters of wanders.

But no matted what, you stayed by his side to protect him. You didn't know why since the love was gone but you know that this is the right thing.

"Every drip of tears I shed for the past few weeks are the symbolism of my love for you... Todays I had not cried, meaning, I have lost my love" you reported to the sleeping man.

"When you wake up, I wonder what would happen..."

𝑾𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝑺𝒑𝒆𝒂𝒌𝒔 {Fuegoleon x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now