CHAPTER 15 - A Little Game

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"you're awake!" Leopold exclaimed as you stood up with a throbbing head. You look at the small boy and patted his head.

"Why are you here, Leopold-sama?" You asked as he thought, "Anyue told me to look after you while he's gone to do a mission" he said and you nodded.

"Leopold-sama, I'm fine so please, you can do your usual routine" you said as he lightened his eyes up.

"Anyue was right!" He exclaimed as you looked at him with raised eyebrows.

"Fuegoleon-sams is right about what?" You asked.

"Anyue told me that you'll say that!" He said with amazement from how his brother predicted your words.

"Of course he did" you sighed and remembered what happened last night. "Oh God-" you exclaimed in horror. You remembered that you've told your two main secrets to Fuegoleon.

You laid back in bed and covered yourself with the fancy comforter. Leopold only looked at you with confusion.

"Are you still sleepy, (Y/n) san?" The boy asked as you blushed madly from the hazy memories you had.

How the hell are you going to face Fuegoleon now.

"Leopold-sama!" You suddenly said as he got baffled from your sudden outburst.

"Help me hide from your brother!" You said as he loomed at you with so much confusion.

"E-eh?" He asked.

"Are you going to help me or not?" You asked as he contemplated. "But anyue told me to let you rest-" he said while raising an eyebrow at him.

"Don't worry, it's just a small game of hide and seek!" You said as he blinked his eyes multiple times. He hesitantly nodded and you clasped your hands.

"Great! Leopold-sama. Where is the place your brother would least expect me to hide in?" You asked him and he thought.

"His-" he stopped as you covered his mouth. You heard footsteps and you carried the small boy towards your wardrobe.

"Hide your mana" you whispered as he tried to do what he's told. You heard your door open and assumed it was Fuegoleon.

You heard the footsteps near towards your wardrobe as you quickly said,"teleport" . Both you and Leopold fell on the garden and ran to somewhere less visible.

"Leopold. Stay still alright, think of this as training too!" You said with a smile and he nodded with determination.

You suddenly felt a presence near the window as you pushed Leopold towards the ground, pinning him while looking at the window.

Fuegoleon was still looking for the both of you and noticed something rustle on the bush where you were at. Leopold was blushing from the position you were at and stayed silent, slightly trembling.

"Let's go Leopold-sama" you said and ran to the hallways. You panicked when you felt Fuegoleon's mana coming towards this hallway. You went to the nearest room that was a dark storage.

On that storage was a big box so you've dragged Leopold there and it was undoubtedly tight. "Shhh" you signalled him as he was sweating with reddened face.

You didn't seem to mind but Leopold was feeling everything so sensitively. His face was near you breast and his body was heavily pressed with yours.

'H-help..' he thought

You heard the storage open and Fuegoleon roamed the place to find you. You held Leopold closer to you and covered his mouth with your soft hands.

'I-I- I can't do this anymore' Leopold thought as he struggled on your grasp. The box moved and Fuegoleon took a notice of this.

"T-teleport" you managed to say just as when Fuegoleon opened the box. You slightly glared at Leopold as he gulped.

"Leopold-sama you shouldn't-" you scolded as he froze at the sight from behind you. You teleported and left Fuegoleon behind as Fuegoleon's fury was scaring the poor boy.

"Leopold. I told you to make her rest." he said and Leopold gulped again.

"What happened." His elder brother demanded an answer and all Leopold thought off was your close interactions so that's what he said since he was an honest child.

"S-she pinned me to the ground and h-her b-breast was really near my face- her body was really soft and she smelled really nice-" he stopped when Fuegoleon looked more angered than before.

You were running and decided to stop but that was your grave mistake. You looked at your side to see Fuegoleon's wrath and Lion like mana.

"F-Fuegoleon-sama hahaha..." You sweat dropped as he neared you.

"You were supposed to rest for the day and not play some game" he said as you laughed awkwardly.

"What made you run away like that in the first place" he demanded an answer as you scratched your cheeks and blushed.

"I suppose I was... Embarrassed" you said as he calmed down.

"Embarrassed?" He asked.

"Ah! (Y/n) chan! Do you like anyue?" Leopold said at the distance. He looked slightly beaten up and you blushed at his question.

"Because I've come to realize that I might hold some infatuation towards you!" He confessed as Fuegoleon looked at his younger brother with sharp eyes.

"Eh?" You exclaimed blankly.

"I-" you didn't finish, turning into a coughing fit. You tasted the familiar iron taste of blood as Fuegoleon came at your aid.

"Please, don't come near me" you said and the two Vermillion can only look at you suffering.

"There's still some things you haven't told me. Are you sick?" Fuegoleon asked you and you nodded your head.

Hanahaki disease, a disease where you suffer from coughing blood or flowers because of one sided love. As long as Fuegoleon doesn't confess, you'll be suffering this disease. Only pray to heavens that he'll realize that you needed him so bad.

You can get rid of this disease with magic extraction but if you remove this, your love will also disappear with it. Since you're cursed, you're considering this to save Fuegoleon aswell.

"(Y/n) san!" Leopold shouted as you lost your balance. Fuegoleon caught you once more and carried you towards your room.

"This is why I told you to watch over her" Fuegoleon told the younger Vermillion.

"No.. it's not his fault" you weakly told the man as he stayed silent.

Today may be a bad day but tomorrow will be different. It could either be better or worse, it's up to the Gods to decide.

𝑾𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝑺𝒑𝒆𝒂𝒌𝒔 {Fuegoleon x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now