Chapter 16

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Today is their last day of vacation in Vlichil Beach Resort and Renjun is not having it or he's not enjoying it for there are two annoying peasants who keeps following him everywhere.

"Injunie, just give us atleast five minutes of your attention." Jeno cutely whined which doesn't usually happens and thanks to Renjun he's doing it.

Renjun looked at them with crossed arms, "What's so important that you have to follow me everywhere, hmm?."

The couple looked at each other and smiling before looking back at the smaller one in front of them, "Because we want to tell you that...we like you." They said in unison which made Renjun stop breathing for a second.

"What? Are you making fun of me?." He said and glared at them as soon as he snapped back to reality. He would be lying if he will deny that their confession didn't made his heart beats so fast but of course he wont let his guard down for them, yet.

"No, why would you say that?." Jaemin immediately said and Renjun scoff.

"You two are together how come you get to like another person? Isn't that cheating?." He asked and the two shook their heads.

"Polyamorous relationship have you ever heard about that?." Jaemin asked and suddenly Renjun's face loosen and made his heart pounds even faster.

"Yes and so what?."

The two started walking near him and he instinctively stepped back just when he's about to run Jeno caught him, "We like you..." Jaemin paused for a moment and Jeno smiled, " please be ours."

Renjun felt like his heart was bombed and his face is as red as a tomato.

"Y.. you're not doing this because of the knife, right?." He whispered and the two chuckled.

"So is that a yes?." Jeno asked while looking at the red face Renjun.

Before the older could answer him Jaemin leaned closer to his ears, "The knife is important to me and luckily it is being kept by an important person we like we're not doing this because of the knife. Infact you can keep it as a sign of our genuine feelings for you."

"Why would you suddenly like me? I mean we haven't had many interactions and we barely know each other." Renjun nervously said while lowering his head as the two keeps breaking the walls around him without even him knowing.

' Sike! I already know you two especially you, Nana.' He thought.

"Then give us a chance to know you better and we'll let you know us better too." Jeno softly replied.

"My attitude changes easily." He said as he stares at the two sexy persons infront of him.

They smiled, "We'll do our best to understand your mood swings." Jaemin replied him.

"I don't like skinship."

"Then we'll make you like it." It was Jeno who replied.

"I keep many secrets that I won't tell you."

"We respect your privacy."

Renjun was speechless, "I.. I'm hard to love and once I let you enter my life I won't let you out, you'll be trapped." He threatened which made the two to cooed.

"You're easy to love, Injunie..." Jaemin softly answered him.

"And we're happy to be trapped just so we can be with you."

Renjun eyed them and he will admit they melt the ice that was covering his heart and the walls he built around him.

"But once you trapped us even if you kick us out we won't let you get rid of us." Jaemin seriously said.

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