Chapter 30: Epilogue

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How long has it been since they started living in the mansion? Not so long, right?. They all know that their mission will come to an end meaning they have to part ways but why were they so reluctant and disappointed when Lee Soo Man said that they can now go to their own life?.

They're currently at the SM Agency because the founders decided to throw a party for their success. Every Agents were gathered there including the Shinee who was on hiatus for three years because they still can't accept the loss of one member came to the gathering.

"So... are you back for good?." As soon as Heechul saw Minho he went towards him and gave him a drink, which he gladly took.

Minho took a sip on his drink before answering, "Yes and it's all thanks to Onew hyung, if it weren't for him we might've leave the Agency because this makes us remember him."

Heechul patted his shoulder while nodding, "You made the right choice, kid. So how are you and Taemin?."

With the older's question Minho's ears turned red and gave out a laugh, he then turned to Heechul, "How are you and Leeteuk hyung?." (I'm an 83line stan but I respect Heechul and Momo's relationship they're so cute)

Heechul's expression became complicated resulting for Minho to laugh out loud making the rest turn towards their direction.

He then stopped laughing, "Oh... right, you're not in good terms so let me rephrase my question. How are you and Momo?."

Heechul glared at him and was about to throw hands when someone walk behind him making Minho to give a sheepish smile.

"Act your age, Chul. Come it's about to start." Leeteuk didn't bother to look at him again and went towards the stage.

Before Heechul could go Minho stopped him for a bit, "You fucked up, hyung." He then ran towards Taemin when Heechul was about to beat the hell out of him.

"Hmm...well that was awkward." Siwon said and Kyuhyun nodded.

"What can we do he's straight." He answered and focused on the stage when Lee Soo Man appeared.

"I'm very thankful for all of you who spared time just to come here. I wouldn't make this long...I just want to congratulate the Mafia Pecados Del Diablo Estafadora who succeeded on taking down the Organizacíon de Criminal and you are now free. Like as what we talked about back then you can now go back to your respective Mafias and place." He started.

This words of him kind of seem not right to them.

"Neo Culture Technology is much better than the name you came up with though!." Johnny said with a loud voice causing for them to let out a chuckle.

"Where's the lie though." Suho intervene.

"Picky bastards." Lee Soo Man shook his head 'no' as he continued his speech.

"The mansion will stay as it is the only thing is just that it will never be as lively as it were for all of you will part ways now nevertheless I congratulate you for your success that's all." He then stepped down the stage and talked to them.

"I'm so proud." Was the first thing he said to Taeyong the latter then smirked and nodded.

The 'NCT' came to where their leader is and waited for him to say something.

"Dude they are so many." Kai whispered to Kyungsoo who glared at him and made him shut his mouth.

Taeyong looked at his friends before looking back to Lee Soo Man, "About that...we decided to not part ways and be a group called NCT. You wouldn't mind right? Because whether you like it or not we'll still go for it."

Leeteuk and Suho looked at each other and smiled.

'His plan is not crazy at all, huh?.' they thought.

"And why would you want that?." Lee Soo Man asked with a smile.

"Because we're now a family and family means nobody gets left behind and should stick together through thick and thin." Taeyong confidently answered.

"Yeah like what he said." The rest said in unison.

"We want to continue what we were doing." Kun said.

"Just don't come to SM Agency it's much better for you to do everything you want with no affiliation with any Agency." Amber suddenly said and the Agents of the Agency then agreed.

"We already know that." Ten agreed.

"If that's your decision then we'll support you and wish you a bright future." After he said that all of them aside from the founders started to party.

Lee Soo Man watched them with a genuine smile on his face, "Did you see that? That's the miracle I've told you about."

"Indeed." The two agreed and smiled.

How cliché as it seems that they started as enemies and ended up as lovers and friends. For other's point of view they're just a bunch of scary Mafias but for them they're a family that none can ever break.


Author's Note: It's not the ending you want but at least thank you for staying till the end. Lovelots.

Mafia Organization || NCT MAFIA AU✓Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя