Chapter 03

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Yesterday Lee Soo Man made it clear to them that it is Taeyong who will lead them through out their journey. With such authority they couldn't do anything despite of them being the Big 3.

Today they are planning on what to do for tomorrow night.

"Hyung what do you have in mind?." Jeno asked his brother-Taeyong

"I can accept suggestions, if it makes sense and helpful I might consider it." Taeyong said while looking at the boys who were scattered around the living room.

After the seniors left yesterday they made it clear to plan everything at the living room first thing in the morning which all of them agreed on.

"Hyung, I have one." Everyone turned their heads to Sungchan's direction not because he had an Idea but what caught their interest was that he called Taeyong- hyung.

"Since no one's giving their idea hearing what you'll say won't hurt, so go on." Taeyong halfly smiled and encouraged Sungchan to speak what's on his mind.

"But I'll just elaborate what you said yesterday." They nodded and listened carefully.

"Well I was thinking that some of us which are Jeno hyung, Johnny hyung, Lucas hyung and Hansol hyung should disguise as the Sebeunteen Auction House's outside security or body guard-they have to blend in and they will be the one to tell us if something's wrong outside the auction hall, then some will be the inside security which can be Yuta Hyung, Xiaojun hyung, Mark hyung and Taeil hyung they can inspect the surrounding while the rest participate at the auction itself.

Then the swindlers- Renjun hyung, Ten hyung and Yangyang hyung should do the swapping before or if the auction is starting, Jungwoo hyung can't be one of them because it might be too suspicious it's much better if he'll be active at the auction.

We should leave Kun hyung, Shotaro and Jisung at the hackers room because it's much safer if they'll be guiding us while they're in here." He explained he was anxious and nervous that they might not reconsider his suggestion but he just made a straight face covering his nervousness and anxiety.

"Are you sure you'll include Taeil hyung?, I mean he doesn't look like a body guard." Hendery spoke and Taeil agreed.

"He really does not look like one but it doesn't matter he's just a display." Renjun savagely said and Taeil glare at him but he just smiled.

"...oh and also Xiaojun hyung and I made a scratch of earring that we can use, it's like a couple earrings that can serve as our communication." He took out a piece of paper and showed them.

"Well you had everything planned out, it'd be evil of us if we'd turn your suggestion down." Johhny spoke and Ten snorted.

"Even if you turn down or accept his suggestion you're still evil."

Johnny gave him a glare and is ready to fight him when Jaehyun stopped him.

"Hyung we should try to get along or at least be civil to each other." He said and dragged Johnny back to his seat. He gave Ten one last glare before sitting properly and Ten just smirked at him.

"Well your suggestion is great but..." He stopped for a while and looked at Sungchan then to Doyoung then to Sungchan again, "...I don't know if Doyoung can do the earrings."

Doyoung stood up and pointed his finger at Taeyong's face, You...are you doubting my skills?." He was annoyed because it is clear that Taeyong is underestimating his skills which he never liked.

Taeyong looked Doyoung, " Yes I am, what can you do about it?." It is clear that he is provoking Doyoung and Doyoung being himself took the bait and grabbed his collar.

"This would be good." Taeil told himself and watch how Doyoung goes berserk.

"You motherfucker!! How dare you insult my skills huh?, If I can finish those earrings til' tomorrow I will kill you...." Doyoung's face turned red and slammed Taeyong down to his seat he turned to Sungchan's direction, "You, you and you come to the inventors room I'll show that bastard that he can't just underestimate me." He pointed Sungchan, Xiaojun and Hendery.

"Now's that the communicators will be handled what should we do if the plan goes wrong?." Taeyong asked and Yuta just snickered.

"What else? If it goes wrong bomb the Auction House together with those shitty bastards." He then crossed his legs which the 99, 00, 01 and 02 liners finds funny.

"Ooh I like it." Mark and Lucas said at the same time but Sicheng glared at them.

"You can't just do that." Sicheng looked at Yuta who still wears his playful smile.

"I can, so watch me do it." He grinned, he doesn't know why but getting Sicheng's attention makes him want to tease him more and more.

Sicheng looked at Taeyong signaling him to stop Yuta's crazy idea, " Hyung will you let him do it?, Stop him." He looks like a baby who's complaining to his Mother which everyone finds cute especially Yuta.

Some of them chuckled, "He's just messing with you don't listen to him." After hearing Taeyong's words he turned his gaze back to Yuta and stuck his tongue out.

"Are we all clear with the plan?." Taeyong asked and everyone nodded.

"Well as if we have choice." Ten sassily said.

Donghyuck suddenly raised his hands, "Can me and Chenle be a host? You could get rid of the two hosts because we want to take their place."

"We can't just..." Renjun cut Kun's words.

"You know you should choose your next words carefully, saying no to them is like not wanting your half life." Renjun shrugged.

Kun looked at Taeyong, " We can't just get rid of them, hyung. We'll be in big trouble."

"Why don't you just kidnap them? Then after we finished our mission we can just release them, as simple as that." Yangyang said while eating snacks.

Jaemin raised his hand, "I can threaten them or silence them for.. uhm for life."

" I can also do that, just feed them money and they'll be silenced." Chenle seconded Jaemin.

"You feeding them money sounds so casual." Jisung stared Chenle in the eyes.

"I have a lot of money so feeding them money isn't a big deal." Chenle crossed his arms and rolled his eyes.

"Money you got from stealing." He then gave Jisung a glare.

"I think the term 'feeding' them money doesn't sound right, Lele." Shotaro said and Chenle turned his gaze to him.

"How so?."

"Sweety, you don't 'feed' people money you 'give' them money." Jungwoo was the one to explain.

"I mean why the fuck would you feed people money?." Lucas spoke and gave Chenle a ridiculous look.

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