Chapter Four

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Once Marlin and Spike were taken to the National Aquarium of New Zealand, the humans took them out of the boat and into one of the large tanks in the aquarium.
Marlin freaked out and swam around frantically as he watched the workers leave. Spike just stood there perfectly fine.
"No no no no no! Nemo?! Dory?! Anybody?!" Marlin shouted.
"Your friends aren't here." Spike told him.
"I have to get out of here and find them!" Marlin panicked.
"I thought you were looking for your wife? Who knows? Maybe she could be here in the aquarium." Spike explained.
Marlin stopped panicking and thought for a moment.
"I-I just can't believe this. This is all my fault ONCE AGAIN and now we're gonna be stuck here forever." Marlin explained.
"Well, not with THAT kind of motivation you won't." Spike told him.
"This is a nightmare come true!" Marlin shouted.
Suddenly, a bunch of kids and adults circled around their tank and watched them in awe, taking pictures as the worker explained about what was in the tank.
Spike started posing for the pictures people were taking as Marlin groaned in annoyance.
"*Groan* Now I'm a total freak show." He mumbled.

Meanwhile, back in the ocean, it was pretty peaceful as a small group of silverfish swam by, minding their own business until two shadows zipped passed them. They didn't seem to care until two dark silhouettes loomed over them.
"Where only gonna ask you once...maybe twice...where's Spike." A deep voice growled at them as the three silverfish quivered in fear.

"*Groan* How much longer until we find land?!" Gurgle asked.
"Who knows, Gurgle. It could be a few minutes, it could be three days but we're not giving up." Sebrina explained, determined to find Marlin.
"I like this lady already." Gill mumbled as he smiled.
"This place looks big enough for a whale to fit in! I should know because I've been inside a whale before. Don't remember when but that's because I suffer from-" Dory explained.
"We get it, Dory. So, how ARE we going to rescue the two?" Deb asked. She then slapped herself.
"No! Don't question the leader!" Deb (aka Flo) mumbled.
"Leader?" Sebrina turned to her.
"Who said anything about leading?" She asked.
"Well, since Marlin's gone, we figured you would know what to do." Peach explained.
Sebrina thought for a moment and then looked at Nemo.
"One, we work together as a team. Two...He's your Dad, Nemo. What do you think we should do?" Sebrina asked Nemo.
"Great. We're lost, we have NO IDEA what to do and now Nemo has to show us what to do!" Gurgle said in annoyance.
"Oh? I don't suppose YOU'D know what to do?" Sebrina swam up to him. They both glared at each other.
"Knock it off you two. I see a group of tiny fish up ahead. Maybe we can ask them for help." Nemo suggested.
"Good thinking, Sharkbait." Gill smiled and everyone followed Nemo.
Once they swam up to the group of tiny fish, the tiny fish stopped swaying around and looked at the group.
"Um...hi there. W-we need help. We're looking for-" Nemo explained but the tiny fish shushed him and swam around him.
"Woah!" Nemo laughed as the tiny fish swam around playfully with the group.
"Easy there, little guys." Sebrina laughed as the tiny fish made her spin.
Once they were done playing around, the tiny fish gestured them to follow and swam away.
"I guess they have an idea." Bloat mumbled.
"At least someone does." Bubbles said, happily.
"Yay! We got some help, Flo!" Deb cheered as they all followed the group of tiny fish around some coral, over rocks and then they stood at the entrance of a large, underwater cave.
"Ooooh! Dark cave!...neat!" Dory smiled.
The tiny fish swam in and the others nervously followed them into the dark cave.
"Stick together everyone." Sebrina and Nemo told them.
As they looked around, they swam through the smaller dark caves as they continued following the small group of tiny fish. Nemo didn't know if this was a good idea or not, for he was the one who had to take Marlins job as protecting them since he couldn't.

Soon enough, they all found a giant caved area surrounded by shells. Bright glowing diamonds were sticking out of the walls for light. It was a very beautiful place.
In the center, stood a very noticeable clam with someone standing on top of it with his back turned to them.
"Hey look, shells!" Dory cheered and put her mind to the shells in less than 2 seconds.
"Who's that?" Sebrina asked.
The group of tiny fish swam up to the stranger and whispered to him. He turned around and noticed everyone standing below him. It was a male blue tang!
"Ah, hello there! My friends just now told me you needed help! What do you need? How can we help?" The blue tang asked.
The group was silent, not knowing how to explain that their friends were in trouble.
"...Oh! Where are my manners? I'm Jake. Welcome to my home!" He gestured to the large cave.
" in this cave?" Nemo asked.
"What cave?" Dory asked after picking up a few shells. She looked up and immediately went silent. She stared in awe at Jake.


Dory dropped the shells she was holding and slowly smiled.
She continued staring at Jake as Nemo noticed she hasn't blinked yet.
"Of course I live in this cave! Otherwise, where would I live?" Jake laughed.
"Back to the point-" Sebrina tried explaining but Jake interrupted her.
"Why is she staring at me? Oh! That's my good looks isn't it?" Jake laughed once again and swam up to Dory.
"What's your name?" Jake asked her.
"Uh....well I'm...." Dory smiled sheepishly and looked at him again.
"*Ahem* I'm Dory. It's nice to meet you Mr...?" Dory shook his fin.
"...Jake. I'm Jake." Jake questioned her for a minute before smiling again.
"Nice name! Anyways, you guys want my help? You can have my help." Jake explained.
"He said my name." Dory mumbled, smiling.
"His Dad and our friend Spike were taken on a research boat heading to New Zealand. Do you have any idea on how we can get there?" Gill asked him.
"You bet I do!" Jake winked. Everyone cheered.
"The idea is not with me at this very moment though!" Jake told them, still smiling. Everyone groaned.
"He's my travelling companion and he shouldn't be to far from here. He'll know what to do." Jake explained.
"This isn't gonna end well, is it." Gurgle rolled his eyes.
"It probably isn't but don't worry! He's very friendly...well...mostly...but we can get there before you know it!" Jake said determinedly as he swam down and behind the group.
"Follow me, everyone! Tell me your names on the way out too." He smiled.
"Such enthusiasm! I like this guy! Isn't he great?!" Dory smiled and everyone nodded.
"Well, the sooner we find your companion the better." Sebrina smiled and followed them.
"You guys are gonna LOVE my companion!" Jake shouted, happily.
"I guess weel have to find out for ourselves zen." Jacques muttered.

(I'm having trouble deciding what kind of species Jake's companion should be. Whichever has the most votes is gonna be the one. Don't worry, I'm gonna add some deleted scenes for Finding Marlin and Finding Sebrina. For example, if 1 is voted most, 2 will be counted as a deleted scene. Make sense?)

1. A deaf whale that can only speak sign language.

2. A catfish that really dislikes Jake.

(Which one should be Jake's companion?)

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